Merry Christmas Everyone!

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A Christmas special <3)

Lights shined bright in the familiar room we all know as Pigsy's Noodle shop. A Christmas tree stood high in the middle of the room and various wrapped, multicolored gifts filled the bottom of the tree. Giving the room an even more cozy vibe.

There was streams of warm hot cocoa filling the air with warmth, small marshmallows in them here and there, being passed around and served to the people sitting around the Christmas tree.
"You're glad I actually brought you something!" MK smiled as he grabbed another cup of hot cocoa from a tray, he held his own on his left hand and when he walked up to the newcomer at the entrance of the shop he handed the one on his right to the them. "Some hot cocoa for you Red, put some extra marshmallows for you!" Red Son grabbed the hot cocoa and simply grumbled a thanks before walking off with Mei to take a seat near the tree.

When MK turned around to survey the room all he saw were smiles of people he fought with and helped him in less than a month. It was truly a magnificent thing to see, it was MK's dream to have so many friends much less have them all in the same space all at once, having fun and sharing this special holiday with him.
"I bet you'll like your gift Mac!" MK saw that Wukong and Macaque weren't sitting near the tree but near one of the corners, yet their laughter and talking never seemed to thrill down compared to the other conversations.

Mk looked down to his cup of served cocoa and smiled, the feelings he felt were truly something magnificent and he wished for something like this to never end whatsoever.

"MK come on it's almost time!" It had been Mei who had called him and MK walked over to her and took the seat right beside Red Son. Everyone was taking their designated seats around the tree, Bai sat between Wukong and Macaque as they sat near MK. Pigsy and Tang sat near the kitchen entrance because Pigsy didn't want to burn his cookies, and Mei and Red Son sat with MK.
With all of them around the tree the space was a bit crowded but no one actually complained, but more like soothed down the tension that had filled the room hours prior.

MK put an arm around Red Son's shoulder and the fire demon tensed before relaxing and facing MK, they both stared at each other before MK smiled and leaned his forehead against Red Son's. MK lifted his head and he grabbed his phone, it was only five minutes before midnight and he wanted to make sure he had some sort of memory of this precious time.

"Before it turns midnight I want to take a picture, all of us," MK had gotten up from his seat and plucked a strand of his hair, he let it fall and gold encased the strand of hair as Porty MK popped up. His colorful scheme he usual wore was red and greens this time and his glasses were Christmas trees instead of the party ones.
"Picture?" MK handed Porty MK his phone and nodded, "Alright at the count of three!" Everyone got to their spots and there was some goofy weird people deciding to do silly faces during the shots but that was the whole point of the memory, the funny stuff.

"One!.. Two! Anddd three!" Porty MK took the photo and everyone was smiling.

Porty MK handed the phone back to the original and the clone gave a soft pat on MK's shoulder before dissapearing. "Send the pic to me MK!" Mei said aloud as she swung her phone in the air. MK nodded and looked at the photo, he saw the face Bai made(she loved to make goofy faces in pictures), the playful glare Wukong and Macaque always gave each other, Pigsh and Tang's big warm hug, Red Son being held in a death grip by Mei and MK around the neck but still a small smile was faintly seen.

Truly wonderful memory's.

MK checked the time again and it only marked for one more minute before midnight, he took his seat back right beside Red Son and everyone commenced in shallow conversations. Bai grabbed a purple wrapped gift with her name imprinted on the front of the wrapped gift in big wobbly letters, she smiled and looked at MK.
He nodded and she laughed as her fingers ripped at the paper, MK knew the time marked midnight exactly and letting Bai not open her gifts at the exact time would be something to regret.

"A stuffed bunny!!" She sqealed put loud and hugged it as tight as she could. Wukong smiled and Macaque rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face. "I practiced my writing for that Bai!" Macaque scoffed and Wukong simply smiled.

Mei and Red Son grabbed gifts corresponding to their color palet, Red Son opened his and he was met with a stuffed bull, he held it in his hands but his eyes never left the gift.
Mei opened hers and she saw a gift card AND a new set of both crayons and paper for her to draw on when she came over to MK's apartment for their late night drawing sessions.

Pigsy opened his and nearly cried when he saw he got a new pot set from Tang, Tang opened one neatly wrapped box with his name and he gasped when he saw it was a new journal with a new pencil on the side. He had been begging for one and this one is the one he had exactly been begging Pigsy for.

Macaque and Wukong grabbed one for themselves with their names scribbled on the top, Wukong got a new Monkey cop merch shirt with a nice drawing of MK and him as police men, Wukong nearly cried.
Macaque was gifted a dark purple blanket with a drawing from MK for himself, it had a moon drawn on it and Macaque knew what the kid meant at the heartfelt drawing be had been given.

MK was gifted something he never knew he could have ever asked for, but had gotten.

A family. A big, big family. One that loved, cherished, wished and enjoyed his company anytime. And that was everything he could ever even ask for. Truly.

Now a note from the Author♡

Merry Christmas! The time of the year to give and get and most of all, spend time with the people you call family. Remember, family are the people that make you feel safe! Not blood ^^ family can be anyone and everyone! You just have to be open minded, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas day and whatever has you down now and days will go away.

Have a slepndid say and Merry Christmas dear readers!!♡


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