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(Suggested by Virgilia_ :)..)

Sandy was happy that they all defeated the Lady Bone Demon, of course he'll be happy to know he can go back to the city and enjoy the fact that there is no longer no threat.

But one thing was nagging at him ever since they went to try and get Mei from that weird Bone Demon crystal, he had seen The Spider Queen and her followers. But..they were spirits.

Well they looked like that to Sandy, and their eyes were the cold light blue.

Sandy didn't want to accept the fact that maybe...maybe Huntsman was..


Mo rubbed their head against Sandy's arm, letting out a sad type of sound before going back to rub against Sandy.
Sandy gave a small smell and petted Mo, "What's wrong Mo?" Sandy whispered out. Mo let out a low purr before settling down on Sandy's lap, "I'm fine. No need to worry about me..promise."

Sandy petted Mo's head slowly, the fur against his hand felt nice and calming in many ways. Sandy couldn't help but think..what happend?

What happend to the Spider Queen and her followers.

What happend to Huntsman.

Was he actually..dead..?

"Mo come on, I'm fine no need to worry." Mo only purred loudly, it sent calming tickles around Sandy's body, calming him down.

He sighed and let Mo do their thing.

Sandy rested his back against the couch, he had left his friends earlier. The only reason he left was because he didn't want them to see him cry, it's not that he might feel weak. No, never!
It's just..he doesn't want them to see him in such a state.

Sandy doesn't like it when he cries.

Sandy doesn't like it when he losses someone he loved dearly even if they were the bad guys.

Sandy doesn't like it when he thinks like this.

He doesn't like it.

Sandy didn't notice he was crying until Mo was standing on their hind legs meowing and touching Sandy's face with a soft paw. Sandy wiped his face and cleared his throat, "Sorry- got carried away. Go play with the others, don't want you missing out." Mo meowed before sitting back down on Sandy's lap, "Mo come on, go play with the others." Mo just lied down and made sure to act asleep as quick as possible.

Sandy's lips fell in a straight line before more streams of tears fell down his face.

At some point Sandy had fallen asleep, tears still slipped out once in awhile.
But the one thing that changed in the room was the sudden temperature drop.

Mo and Sandy were both fast asleep but the lingering spirit in the room was wide awake, a face of both pain and sorrow.

"Aw Sandy...look at you." Huntsman said as he walked fowards, his spirit was blue seeing as he was taken by the Bone Demon herself.

"No need to cry over me...I don't deserve these tears. I never did." Huntsman whispered, his blue hand touched down on Sandy's tears stained cheek.
The tear was wiped away and Huntsman gave a sad smile.

"Dont were always my favorite from your friend group."

And Huntsman spirit faded away. It was a sad type of fading.

Yet his smile wasn't sad anymore..instead it was replaced with a happiness he had never felt before as a human.

But Sandy changed that.

Althougt he wishes for that feeling to last longer. It never did.

Nothing ever lasts forever. Sadly.

(I'm not crying- you are!! I am not crying.

The five stages of grief

I am trying so hard not to dry my eyes with rivers </3. Ya happy! Ya got ME crying 😭)

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