Chapter 29 - What Else Do We Need?

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Jisoo POV

I'm supposed to be sleeping soundly in my bedroom but I ended up in someone else's room after having a serious conversation with the most confused but not so confused couple. Talking to them about their so-called relationship can be so exhausting and painful at the same time. My mind is commanding me to tell them to stop whatever it is that they have so that I could have a chance but I still end up giving them the advice to make their relationship work. It sucks to be nice sometimes.

"So what happened? Why do you suddenly call to crash this late?"

"Well, Jenlisa happened"

"Now they have a ship name? Unbelievable, tss"


We've been talking about Jennie for hours. Now I somehow understand why she's in doubt. If this girl in front of me holds a commitment issue, Jennie got abandonment and trust issues. Am I going to handle her well if I ended up being her girlfriend? I think so, my intentions are clear, to begin with, unlike Lisa who started their relationship full of uncertainties.

If the start was unsure, expect it to end unsure. I hope not.

"You know what? It all started when she told me she trust me. That I can make it, and every time that I'm with her my fears are replaced by courage and I eventually realized that damn I love this girl." Lisa utters all of a sudden.

"Yet you chose not to say it last night, dumb ass."

"I don't know why, I got scared," she said in defense. "I'm terrified to give my all again and be given heartbreak in return, if you only see how she looked at me last night you'll understand."

"Idiot! Why did you get in a relationship if you're not ready to feel heartbreak again huh? Both of you are thinking about the end without even starting." these two are stressing the hell out of me.

"And scared?" scoff "Didn't you notice that you've been overusing that word? Both of you actually. What are you afraid of? That she won't believe you? That's a lame excuse, Lisa." I don't know why are they complicating simple things like this.

"Go home, it's getting late. And please, get some sleep!" I added while pushing her out of my room.

"Wait now??! Come on can't I stay a little bit longer?"

"You need to go home, Lisa. Again it's getting late, you have classes tomorrow, right? Take some rest first, then figure things out after."

"I don't know if we resolved anything at all, but at least I got the chance to let this out. Thank you, Chu!" she said pinching my cheeks.

"Ah-awww! And this is what I get in return?! Asshole!" I said as I rub my face she pinched, then she turned around to head out and stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"You really don't want me to stay over?" she said as she pout her lips like a kid trying her best to be cute to convince me to let her stay.

"That won't work on me. Go home Lisa, I'll see you tomorrow. And drive safe please!"

"Lisa" I called.

She excitedly turned around with a wide smile painted on her lips. "Yes?"

"When she ask you again, don't hesitate because you're terrified that she doesn't feel the same way or won't believe you. We say those words not to hear them back but because that's what we feel..."

"Do it before it's too late. Be scared and do it anyway. You will never know if it's going to work or not unless you try. Stop playing safe, you might regret that in the end." I said and closed the door.

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