Chapter 11 - Just a Friend

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Jennie POV

Upon waking up my mind began replaying the last scenes of my dreams - flying through the air with her. A smile crept onto my face as I reminisced the memories of yesterday, just thinking about it flutters my heart wildly. When I turned to the other side of the bed, it was empty. I sighed, she chose to stay outside instead of sleeping beside me. The thought saddened me instantly. I got out of bed and decided to check on her on the deck.

Approaching the deck, I heard her talking to someone. Could it be that woman again? I hid behind the wall, just enough to hear them clearly, and peeked to see who she was talking to. My eyes widened when I recognized her, it was Jisoo. We were supposed to have dinner at Papa's place last night, and I honestly forgot about it. Thankfully, she canceled it, presumably because of this emergency she mentioned. Then it hit me. I missed telling her last night last night that I'd been with Lisa the entire weekend. Crap.

"She's here" Oh.


"Jennie" Shit.

"I'm glad you're getting better, for real. I'm looking forward to seeing the better Lisa" Jisoo said. Hearing them talk warmed my heart. They truly had each other's backs, and I looked forward to seeing the better Lisa too.

Feeling the cold, I decided to grab my jacket and join them. There was no point in hiding anymore.

"How are you and Jennie..." Lisa's question stopped me in my tracks heading upstairs. She thought we were dating? That dumbass didn't even bother to ask me. Was that why she'd been acting hot and cold?

"Can you stop pretending..." Wow! Now, she's assuming everything.

"Do you like her?" Lisa asked, and my frustration grew, dumbass! Couldn't she see that we were just friends? I waited for Jisoo to respond to set the record straight. But to my surprise, Jisoo fired the question back at Lisa. Why am I getting worried about what she's going to say?

"I like her..."  My heart skipped a beat. I died. Lisa's answer sent me to my grave right then and there. She likes me! I felt like jumping and screaming in excitement and joy. Leaning my back against the wall, I pressed both hands tightly against my mouth to stifle my reaction, but a faint squeal escaped my lips. I tried to regain my composure, but my excitement had me trembling. She likes me too!

Breathing slowly I managed to keep it down and continued to eavesdrop on their conversation, curious to hear more. 

"I like her as my friend, Chu..." Oh... fucking... kill me... now! My energy went down from 100 to 0, or even negative. Now I regret eavesdropping. The saying "What you don't know can't hurt you" slapped me hard in the face. It was a headshot, bullseye. I headed upstairs after hearing that. My knees betrayed me for trembling with every step until I finally reached the top.

She only sees me as a friend?  I slumped onto the bed, burying my face in the pillow. 

You're confusing me. Everything was going well and I felt it earlier, with the way you looked at me... I know there's something more than friendship. Lisa's words echoed in my mind repeatedly, enough to make my heart ache. 

"Stupid!" My voice muffled in the pillow. I should have known.

Should I ask Jisoo? Should I go there and pretend as if didn't hear anything? Damn it!


Next morning...

Jisoo POV

"Jisoo?" I couldn't help but smile when I heard Jennie call my name. She always had a way of brightening up my day.

"Surprised to see me here?" I said without facing her, still focused on stirring the batter for the pancake.

What if? - JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now