Chapter 39 - Walking the Wire

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Lisa POV

When I swung the door open a figure of an imposing figure of a woman with her arms crossed stood before me. She really looks like her daughter, especially in their eyes.

Despite her petite body structure, Jennie's mom's presence was commanding, exuding an air of power and wealth that made me feel instantly small in comparison. Her facial features are sharp and defined, with a piercing gaze that immediately made me feel intimidated. This is not the same woman I talked to months ago.

"I did not expect to see you two here," her stern tone made me feel even more nervous.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Jennie asked her mom, trying to sound calm. But I could tell from the way her shoulders tensed that she was just as surprised and taken aback as I was.

I could feel the tension in the air as we waited for her mom's response. After what seemed like an eternity, her mom spoke. "I came to see you, Honey. And you, what are you doing here?" Her Mom asked as she turned her gaze back toward me. Damn it! Her Mom is scarier than Jennie I swear! Her presence is enough to turn me into a frozen statue.

I tried to compose myself and answer in the most respectful way possible.

"M-Mrs.Kim," and fuck I stuttered, she raised her brows at me and checked me from head to foot, ONCE AGAIN. I love it if Jennie does that, but her mom is just plain intimidating.

"Mom, give her some slack," Jennie interjected rolling her eyes. Not a good time to show that attitude Angel, I mentally scold Jennie as I tried to compose myself for the nth time. I cleared my throat and tried to talk to her Mom as I extend my arms for a handshake. "Mis-" but I got cut off by Jennie.

"By the way, this is Li--," her Mom cut her off by raising her hand before she could finish introducing me, I think cutting someone off runs through their blood. And damn, she just raised her hand but it looks elegant and intimidating at the same time. "I know who she is," her tone was icy cold. Her gaze makes me question myself if I've done something wrong.

"You know her?!" Jennie asked her mom surprised. She must have forgotten that I already met her mom months ago for an interview.

"Yes, I met her before," her mom answered curtly as she walk past us.

Jennie looked at me in disbelief mouthing "What the hell?! How the hell does she know you?!" my favorite feline eyes instantly turned into a scary piercing sharp one, I can hear her shouting even though she was just mouthing it.

"Yes," I said as we followed her into the living room. "I had an interview with her a few months ago, for our research. Remember?" I said as I widen my eyes at her emphasizing the word "research", trying to convey the message that it was not what she think it is.

Jennie asked me not to tell her mom about us, just as I did with her Papa, and it's up to her to tell her mom when the right time comes. It seems like the right time hasn't come yet.

"So, why are you here Lisa?" Her mom asked as she sat on the couch, legs crossed and elbow resting on the armrest looking directly at me. "I..." and here she comes again cutting me off.

"She's my g-" Jennie swallowed before continuing. "She's a good friend of mine and I- I don't have friends here to hang out with so I invited her over." Her words echoed in my ears, friend. I'm a friend. So this is how being denied feels like. Wherein I have to force myself to keep a straight face, even though I'm crumbling inside. It was like a punch in the gut, hard. I felt like an outsider as if I don't belong.

"Good enough to shower together?" her piercing gaze shifting between Jennie and me. We're fucked!

I was taken aback by her mom's question and that brought me to the realization that I am still covered in a bathrobe, fresh from the shower just like Jennie. I felt a blush creeping up on my cheeks all the way to my ears and I can see from the corner of my eye that Jennie is just as embarrassed as me. Now I want to disappear into thin air as if I had never been here at all.

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