Chapter 1 - Hi

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"Beautiful" the only word I can say while enjoying the view from my room's balcony, savoring the cool and gentle breeze brushing my face.

Saying goodbye to your hometown is never easy. The thought of stepping into a world filled with new faces and a totally different culture worries me. Will I be able to fit in and make friends? Am I going to be an outcast for a while? Is it going to be hell or will I actually enjoy my college life there? Those typical dilemmas of moving to another country are consuming my mind and making me consider staying here for good. But what can I do? Mom and Dad already made up their minds. They are moving back there, and so was I.

It can be a slippery slope and I'm praying to meet a person who can make this phase easy for me.

Mom and I moved here when my parents decided to end their marriage years ago. At first, I thought we were just going on a vacation but days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and before I knew it, this country became our new home. Thankfully, they are on good terms, it's just that their relationship as a married couple isn't working anymore. A choice they made for the better? I guess? Not just for themselves, but for me as well.

I admit, at first, it was really hard to see it that way. I couldn't help but question why it was so easy for them to give up. Why couldn't they fight for the sake of our family, for my sake? I was just a kid who wanted to grow up with a complete family.

But as I've grown, I started to understand why and gradually understand life. I now see that forcing something that doesn't fit only leads to more heartache. Life isn't about resistance, it's about flow and acceptance. Knowing that some things are beyond our control, and that's perfectly okay. It is what is.

After years of building a life here, Mom and Dad have made the decision to move back to Korea for the sake of their business and future partnerships. I don't like the idea of us moving there, but I understand and respect their decision. Well, the truth is I don't have a choice. I will miss this peaceful place. But there's a silver lining in all of this - I'll get to spend more time with Papa once we arrive in Korea. I only got to see him once or twice a year, but now I can see him anytime I want.

"Hey sweetie come on we got a plane to catch, we can't be late." I snap back to my senses when my dad called me. They are ready. Am I?

"I'll be there in a minute Dad!" I'd miss this place. See you again, Auckland.


Life's too short to be overly serious about things that we can't control. Enjoy life while you have the energy and time to spend. So long as my academic performance remains satisfactory and I don't get into trouble at school, I'm cool with Mom and Dad. That's the deal. Pretty chill parents, don't you think? As long as they remain unaware, I'm in the clear-HAHAHAHA. Besides, most of the time, they're out of the country, leaving me with plenty of freedom to do whatever I want, right? Just so you know, I'm not a troublemaker. I just love having a good time because I know things will change after college.

We only die once, we live every day. So whenever I have the opportunity to live life, I take it. Because why not? I spend most of my free time doing activities that I love, adventures that will cross off my bucket list, and living a spontaneous lifestyle while I can. Try things that I never tried before, push my boundaries, and embrace new experiences. Have fun, make memories, and create stories that I can look back on with a smile. Just like tonight...

Here I am hanging out with Seul who's feeling down because of her girlfriend Irene. And yes for me this is fun - seeing your friend desperate over a girl and figuring out what went wrong this time. Pretty amusing isn't it?

"So, what happened this time? Are you girls okay?" this girl right here and Irene argued about petty things again, that's for sure. Things that I would never understand, because why would anyone argue over the tiniest things and end up resolving nothing? Just for the sake of arguing? I guess that's their love language - constant fighting and making up.

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