Chapter 54 - Slap of Reality

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Rosie POV

Everyone was shaken by Lisa's parent's sudden death, well her Dad's death was not a surprise since he's been in a coma for months, but her Mom's sudden cardiac arrest came as a devastating surprise. It was a shocking and heartbreaking turn of events that none of us expected. And I totally understand why she left, I would probably do the same thing too if I were in her shoes. But what really bothers us is that she didn't even bother to inform us or at least say goodbye, she just vanished, leaving us worried and wondering what could have happened or if she was okay. Especially Jennie.

It's been nearly three months, and still, no one has ever heard from her. No signs of life on social media, no calls, no texts. Nothing at all. At first, we gave her the benefit of the doubt, thinking that maybe she needed time and space to grieve. But I guess three months wasn't enough for her to have the basic decency to let us know she was alive and well.

Well, that's her choice, not my problem anymore. Not that I don't miss or care about her, but knowing Lisa I know that she'll get through this, might be doing stupid stuff, but I know that she's strong enough to handle herself. She's a runner, I guess no one can change that, not even Jennie.

But Jennie otherwise can't seem to accept the fact that there is a big chance that Lisa may never ever come back. Well, who can blame her? Before she left, Lisa made sure that she will be remembered, that bitch made a grand exit from Jennie's life.

Leaving her without any closure, any explanation, or even a note of goodbye. It's hard. It's not easy to let go of things you thought were okay, it'll be easier if they just had a fight, say we're done, and slammed the door in her face. But Lisa just left the door open, leaving Jennie wondering if she'll ever walk through it again.

And of course, technically Jennie is now available, and there goes Jisoo. I'm not saying that she's swooping in on Lisa's absence to take advantage of Jennie's vulnerability, but yeah that's how I see it. Ha! Or maybe, I'm just jealous, 'cause in a snap of a finger, Jisoo has become Jennie's shoulder to lean on and I'm out of the picture again.

Jennie POV

It's been three long, agonizing months since Lisa left, and the pain in my heart only seems to grow deeper with each passing day. I can't help but replay the memories we shared, the laughter, the tears, and the moments that made us feel unbreakable. Now, I'm left with a gaping hole, an emptiness that I can't seem to fill.

I kept telling myself that Lisa would come back, that she just needed time to process everything, and that she would eventually reach out. But reality began to set in, and I had to face the possibility that she might never return. But still I refuse to accept that.

"Anyeong! You've reached Lisa's voicemail..."

"Hey Babe, I know you might not be listening to these messages, or maybe you are but just can't bring yourself to respond. But I can't stop trying, I can't stop hoping that one day you'll come back to me. I miss you, and I'm just taking it one day at a time, trying to be patient. But it's hard... *sigh* It's hard, Lisa. It's really hard. I'm... *sniffles* I'm trying my best but it's getting difficult every day. Please tell me you're okay. Please call me back."

"Anyeong! You've reached Lisa's voicemail..."

"Hey... I'm lying here, thinking about you. I can't sleep *long pause*... and I can't stop missing you. I...I wish I knew what you were thinking, where you were, and if you were okay. I hope you're safe and taking care of yourself. *sniffles* I know it's tough Lili, but you'll get through it... I know you will. I wish I could hold you, talk to you, and tell you how much you mean to me. I'll keep waiting for you, Lisa. No matter how long it takes, I'll be here. I... *sniffles* I will never give up on you. I love you, Lili."

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