Chapter 43 - We're Not Really Strangers

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Lisa POV

The week passed by quicker than I thought. If I can only make the day shorter and the night with her longer, I would. Too bad I can't.

We planned to spend the entire weekend somewhere she have never been before, so I brought her to Donghae since we both like beaches and it's only a few hours drive back to Seoul. We had a great time exploring the scenic spots and beautiful seaside of Donghae. Hiked up to Chotdaebawi Rock and it's more fun when you climb up with someone with low stamina like her.

It was fun and sad at the same time, knowing that we will be parted for a while after this. A bittersweet moment as we savored the last moments of our time together.

And of course, we stroll along the shore as we watch the sunset and wait until the afterglow. The sky is filled with colors, ranging from vibrant oranges and reds to soft shades of pink and purple. It's as if nature had painted a canvas, just for us to enjoy.

I can't help but feel a sense of sadness creeping in. Our last day together has arrived, and I'm not ready to say goodbye. I wish I could stop the time, just to enjoy her company a little longer.

We found a quiet spot to sit, where we could watch the afterglow fade into the night sky. Enjoying the silence without feeling the need to fill it with words. Just enjoying the peaceful moment, feeling the gentle sea breeze brush against our faces, arms wrapped around her, and feeling the warmth and comfort of being with someone you truly care about.

It's a perfect moment, and I don't want it to end.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I said gazing at the horizon, breaking the comfortable silence between us.

"Always," she replied softly, leaning her head on my shoulder. "I can't believe how quickly two weeks passed by."

"I know," I let out a sigh, voice tinged with sadness. "I wish we could stay a little longer."

"I'm really going to miss this. I'll miss you," squeezing her a little tighter.

"I'm already missing you," she turned her head to give me a gentle kiss on my cheek.

We sat there for a while longer, enjoying the peacefulness and beauty of the night sky before finally getting up to head back to our hotel to have our dinner.


It's our last night to make the most out of our time together, and we don't want to waste a single moment of it. No one's planning to sleep.

"Nini, I found this card game in the store earlier, it's pretty interesting. Do you want to play?"

"Is that a perv card game?" She said with a playful smirk on her face. I look at her in disbelief.

"No, of course not! You judgemental piece of ump..." pursing my lips in a mock scowl, gently smacking the box on her head.

"Can't blame me, you perverted piece of ump..." she copied my scowl before taking the box from my hand. "What is this? We're Not Really Strangers?"

"It's a game about getting to know each other on a deeper level. Are you game?"

"Interesting and scary at the same time..." she giggled, opening the box. "...but sure, let's give it a try."

"Oh wow, that's a lot of cards," I said, slightly overwhelmed. "There are notepads and pens too, this will definitely keep us occupied for the rest of the night."

"Let's start?" I asked excitedly, shuffling the deck of cards.

"Game, you go first."

"Wait, are we going to finish all the level one questions or just pick a few from each level?" I clarified, wanting to make sure that we're on the same page.

What if? - JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now