Chapter 5 - I Care

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Jennie POV

I am now driving myself to school, car windows down with the radio on. Morning breeze and music, a perfect combination indeed. The next song caught my attention, it's Cure by Valley.

I wanna focus on you and forget my past
You've been on my to-do list and we can change that
I just wanna be your cure
I just wanna be, wanna be
Be the one who's here for ya
I just wanna be, wanna be

The lyrics instantly brought her to my mind. I couldn't shake the image of her in my thoughts, seeing her that close last night, a fragile soul with cold, brown eyes that seemed to hold a lot of pain. There was an inexplicable connection between us that I couldn't ignore, giving me some kind of will to fix her broken pieces.

I can be your nirvana if you wanna
Breath me like marijuana
If you gotta I can be your shoulder to cry on Rely on
I just wanna be your cure I just wanna be,
wanna be yours...

I couldn't help but replay the events of last night - the taste and warmth of Lisa's lips against mine, the electricity that surged through me, and the way her body pressed against mine in that stolen moment.

"No... No, no, no, no," I scold myself inwardly, squeezing my eyes shut as if trying to block out the vivid images that kept resurfacing.

"I kinda like... no shit!" I muttered under my breath. I couldn't believe that I was even entertaining such thoughts. "What are you thinking, Jennie?" my voice quivered with uncertainty as my fingers gripped the steering wheel tightly. My attempts to push the memory aside were useless, and it felt like a mental tug-of-war and I am losing.


The impatient blaring of horns from the car behind me brought me back to reality with a jolt. I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw Lisa in her car, her expression displaying both irritation and worry. The traffic light already turned green.

I took a deep breath and drove forward, and I still couldn't shake the feeling that something irrevocable shifted within me, that kiss left a mark, and I'm not sure if I could still look at her the same way again. This is torturing me in a way that I never anticipated. Should I tell her about what happened?

At the parking lot...

Lisa approached me as soon as I parked. Her mere presence stirred up a mix of emotions within me. My heart started racing as I watched her walk towards me.

"Jennie," she called out, playing her car keys in her hand.

"Yes?" I replied, forcing a smile that felt more like a grimace. Damn, this is awkward.

"About last night," she began avoiding eye contact as if she's too important to meet my eyes. I bit my lip, my eyes darting downward. Did she finally remember the kiss? 

"Can I ask you a favor?" Lisa continued, slipping her aviator glasses on, still not looking at me.

"What is it?" I asked cautiously.

"Please don't tell anyone what you saw last night. Not even Jisoo knows about that place. Can you keep your mouth shut?" Lisa requested, not even bothering to sound apologetic for what happened last night and now asking such a favor - it sounded more like a command than a favor tho.

"S-sure, I'll keep my mouth shut," I agreed with a tinge of sarcasm in my voice. What did I do? Why is she acting as if I did something bad?

"Good, thanks!" she said adjusting her sunglasses before walking past me. Ugh, ungrateful bitch! Not even a simple thank you for last night.

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