Chapter 23 - Almost

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Jennie POV

I can't believe I did it again with Papa after so many years and it's more special because I got to do it again with Lisa. She really does pay attention to what I say, I'm impressed.

Papa and Lisa are pretty close. When they talk, it's not like a father and daughter thing but a buddy, a close friend. Her humor, waves of laughter, quick glances at me, and conversations with Papa that lasted for hours just makes me feel at home again, I never felt this way in a while. Oh God, now I love her more.

Lisa sent Papa home earlier, and I'm here at the tent's entryway near the cliff while looking at my favorite view, waiting for her to spend another night with me. One more day and we're back to school might as well make every moment counts. Next semester isn't a joke, we know for sure that we will have limited time together once it started. My lips traced a curve line when I felt her sit beside me.

"Hey, why are you still here?" she said as she scoots closer fixing her position beside me.

"Waiting for you, can we spend the night here?" I asked not looking at her with my hand wrapped around my folded legs.

She heaved a sharp breath and copied my position, " So, what are we going to do here?" she asked.

"The usual, five questions to know you better," I replied not looking at her.

"Game! You go first" she said and nudge me using her shoulder.

"When was the first time you fell in love?" I asked.

"Whoa! Nice start Nini!" she said with a gasp. I chuckle at her reaction, eyes wide, mouth agape. She's not expecting that question.

"Hmmm, when I was 12, th--"

"Wow! Hahaha at that age? For real?!" I cut her off and snickered, well I think she's too young to know what love is. Then Lisa put her finger on my lips to hush me.

"Shhhh, I don't need your opinion hahaha. Listen." then she continue her story about that puppy love of hers. Puppy love, that's the right term, right?

"Where was I? Ahh yeah... there was this girl that was always in my mind, well I had a crush on her since I was 7 or 8? I look forward to talk to her every day, hoping that I can be with her too, if only I could during those times. We actually talk for hours almost every day! Like, we never get tired of each other's presence, we don't even need to think of a topic to talk about. We can talk about anything under the sun. We grew up with each other's back. Just like Jisoo and Seul. I wish I dared to tell her that before, but I'm too young, not even aware of what love is, but as I grew up I realized that... no doubt it was love, so I believe she's my first love." she said with her eyes gleaming. So she's serious about that? Wow.

"Can I ask who that girl is?" I said, well, I want to know.

"Hmmm, can I pass? I'll let you meet her instead, soon," she said with a slight curl up at the corner of her mouth.

"So it's not Somi?" That was supposed to be on my mind but I ended up saying it outloud.

"Nope! No one knows about this girl even Jisoo, since I can't tell you who she is I will tell you another secret about her, will that do to compensate for the unanswered question?" she said as she extend her legs and leans back with her hands supporting her weight.

"Deal, that's interesting, spill it!" I excitedly said and adjust my body a little to look at her as I rest my chin at the top of my knees.

"I saw her in Somi, her laugh, the way she's telling me stories about her daily life, the way she treats me as someone she can rely on. That's how I started to get interested in Somi. It feels like I'm talking to the grown up version of her when I'm having a conversation with Somi. Don't get me wrong, it's not like Thinking of You song by Katy Perry thing. It just started that way, Somi got my interest all because of that girl," she said with a smile while twiddling her feet, no doubt she's her first love, how I wish it was me.

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