Chapter 3: Graveyard.

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We all got into Sams tesla so it would just be easier to get there since Sam knew where he was going and we didnt. Sam and Colby were gonna film a video and me and Keels were going to aswell.

Sam said he would promote it on his instagram story for us to get a but more attention to our channel.

We got the the graveyard and I recorded the intro to the video

"Hello! Welcome back to Keeley And Eden! And if your new here Hi, Hello! Welcome. Im Eden and this to my right," I point to my right and put my arm lovingly around Keeley "Is a  gorgeous woman named Keeley."

"We are in the graveyard that Richard Ramirez stayed and did satanic cult type shit. And its supposedly haunted." I shrug as if a place being haunted is totally normal "Also. Who is better at ghost hunting then..." I tell the guys to come into frame, "Sam and Colby!" I do little jazz hands around them.

"So they are going to be with us tonight exploring this place and maybe even doing a ritual. Who knows. Lets get to it!" I stop recording. Sam puts his backpack back on his back and we head in. We had special access after dark to be in there alone so we knew nobody would be in here with us. Just us and the demons I guess?

We made it over to the trees that Richard slept by. Sam pulled out a rem pod and placed it down. He also got out a spirit voice box.

*Spirit Voice Box*
"Are there any spirits with us here?" Sam asks in the grave yard. He was inviting spirits to talk and communicate with us. Colby was recording us. The rem pod started beeping. Something was triggering it. It kinda scared me shitless since me and Keeley had done anything like this on our channel before, But I was excited to see what will happen.
"It said 'Here' Oh my god guys something is here with us." Sam says excitedly.
"Women, Devil"
"Woah what the fuck. Did that just say devil?" Keeley asks and shes now cowering behind me. I was kinda scared but also sceptical.
"Yes! Im inviting any spirits to come talk to us! Is the devil here with us right now?" Sam asks again.
"Do the spirits not want Keeley and Eden here?" Colby asks from behind the camera.
"Animal, Pentagram."
"Shit! Didnt Richard have a pentagram on his hand when he was in court?" Sam asks for confirmation
"Yes! He did!" Colby says excitedly from behind the camera. Me and Keeley were just kinda shocked. The whole time the rem pod was going off.
"If Satanic things were done in this graveyard can you turn off the rem pod?" I ask confidently. "On the count of 3 if Satanic things were done in this graveyard turn off the rem pod for us please." I continue.
"1..." I said nervously looking around. I think my eyes are playing tricks on me because I keep seeing a tall dark man with a top hat in the corner of my eye.
"2...3!" It takes a second after to turn the rem pod off. We all start freaking out. Sam and Colby both hadnt seen spirits actually doing anything that quick before.

"Do you think the actual Richard is here?" Colby asks to all of us.
"I dont know! Im scared though if it says yes." I say.
"Guys it just said 'out' I dont think it wants us here." Sam says giving us all a worried look. Colby passes the camera back to me and goes in Sams backpack. He pulls out a weird shaped box and places it on the floor. He switches it on and it plays an eerie small clip of what sounds like a wind up music box.
"It detects motion infront of it so if I.." He steps infront of it and it carries on playing that same eerie song "It plays the music if it detects motion."
Colby explains.
"Okay, Okay." I felt something touch my back and I jumped immediately due to the shock.
"Woah whats wrong Eden?" Keeley asks. Her voice a bit raised to try and get me to listen through my screaming. I dropped the camera and threw off my jacket I was wearing.
"What the fuck! What the fuck!" I start screaming in shock. Trying to process what just happened. I suddenly feel two hands on my upper arm. I jump also at that. I then realise its Colby.
"Woah Eden are you alright?" Both Keeley and Sam ask.
"I think? I felt something touch my back." My breathing was heavy. Colby let go of my arms and picked up the camera and started filming this.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant