Chapter 19: Manic?

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Colbys POV

I had left Eden and Keeleys apartment. I helped Eden take down the posters and cleaned her room with her.

I really dont want her feeling like shit because of all this. I do really care for her.

I had driven back to me and Sams house and Sam had ordered postmates.

I didnt care much though. He didnt know when I was gonna be home but I can just order myself something later.

I decided to post about the attention we were getting.

The attention about my party the other night is crazy. The questions about my relationship and who this 'mystery girl' is getting too much. I do appreciate my fans and supporters but bullying the girl who was with me at the party is too far. I dont mean harm by posting all of this but we would like to have respect and privacy at this time. I do not have to post about my relationships and I would like the media and the fans to respect this. Thank you 🖤

I posted this paragraph on all my social media accounts. I hoped that it would do something to our situation. Im still surprised about how much attention this has gotten and how people are still talking about this. Normally there would be something else to talk about by now but so far nothing. Its just about me and Eden.

Ill let Eden talk about the situation herself. I dont want to speak for her. Shes her own person and shes capable to think and speak for herself.

I started sorting out my laundry and played some music in the back ground. I got a notification on my phone which stopped me putting my clothes into the laundry.

Eden: thank you for posting about it. people have kinda figured out it was me but im not really bothered. kinda crazy all this started from us meeting by accident.

I smiled softly at the message. It did really start with us meeting by accident while both filming for our youtube channels.

Another message came through

Sam: yo you know people are spreading around about the supposed mystery girl is Eden. I mean its probably time to say something about your guys' relationship. even if it just means saying your friends and that you were both a bit drunk. idk man.

Colby: yea Eden just told me. i dont really know what im gonna do. I mean we haven't even been dating for a month and people have already figured out that we are together. Ill let the rumours fly a bit and show that I dont care because if i respond straight away people will catch on that we are hiding something.

Sam: sounds good

I went back to Edens message.

Colby: yeah sam told me literally just then. what do we do?

Eden: I mean i dont even know. i guess we could just say we are dating and that we want privacy or something during this time. idk that sounds funny i cant lie.

I chuckle at it. Eden was clearly not used to having this much attention from the media. I mean shes a small youtuber but still. Its quite cute.

Colby: We will say something in a few days. lets just not make a fuss about it right now.

Eden: okay x

I put my phone back down on my bed and went back to sorting out my room.

I got bored half way through but it just had to be done. I cant leave my room looking like a shit hole. I gotta have some respect for myself you know?


I got finished with sorting my room out and sat down at my desk. I was looking up different haunted places we could do for the channel. I didnt have much luck on finding anything though. I didnt really wanna go back to the stanley for the billionth time, even though the experiences we have there are amazing I just feel like its getting boring.

Authors Note

sorry for the short chapter. I think this chapter is just gonna be a filler chapter. I do have some relationship drama coming up soon though ;) but tysm for the 155 reads 🖤

tiktok: chaseatlanticwhoree

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