Chapter 45: Home again

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Our plane had finally landed. I was sat next to Colby who was asleep, He let me have the window seat, How kind.

Sam and Kat decided to tag along and come to Kansas with us, They were sat on the row behind us on the plane. We got our hand held luggage off of the plane and now were waiting for our luggage from the conveyor belt in the airport. I had booked us an uber and we were all gonna uber to my moms house. Liam was already gonna be there so it was time for Liam to meet Sam and Kat.

We all got into the uber all exhausted from the flight and the early wake up since we had to get onto the plane by 7, Which meant had to get to the airport at 6, Which meant had to be awake at 5 in the morning.

Why do we always pick early flights?

It was about an hour before we got to my moms house. Snow was everywhere, I loved seeing the Kansas snow. It shows how much Ive missed it here.

I only come atleast a few times a year, I need to increase that majorly in 2023.

We all got out the uber and walked up to my moms front door.

I knocked and I felt anxiety waiting ror the door to open.

Liam answered the door as always.

"Eden!" He says pulling me into a hug. Ive missed him so much. Hes always been such a good older brother to me even though we dont speak much.

"How have you been Edie?" He says teasing my nickname from when I was younger.

"Ive been alright, How about you LiLi?" I teased his nickname back so him and he rolled his eyes and I laughed.

"Oh my god. How could I be so rude?" I say looking back to Sam and Kat. "This one here," I say pointing to Sam, "Thats Sam and the gorgeous gorgeous girl next to him is Kat, His girlfriend. Sam and Colby theyre bestfriends." I say introducing them.

"Well come on in guys." Liam says opening the door wider so we could come in. We all came in and rolled our luggage off to the side of the door.

"Edie!" Mom shouts and comes running through from the living room with my child hood dog Daisy.

"Hey mom." I say hugging her tightly, I feel bad about not visiting as much since Dad died. It still doesnt feel right that my dad is dead. He got taken away by one of the most ruthless diseases on this earth, Cancer.

"How have you been Eden?" My mom asks, "Ive been alright mom, How about you?" I reply, "I could be better darling." She says looking over my shoulder.

"Ah! Colby! I didnt see you there!" My mom says letting go of me and pushing me playfully out of the way to hug Colby.

"And you guys must be Sam and Kat. Eden has told me so much about you guys!" She says giving them a hug each.

"Yeah, Eden has told us so many things about you Ms Montgomery." Kat says giving my mom a hug.

"Its Amelia to you guys. Dont bother with any of that Ms Montgomery stuff, Its Amelia and always will be." My mom says and Kat gives a small smile and nod.

"You kids hungry?" My mom asks

"Starving!" Liam says putting his hand up like a little kid.

"Alright Liam, You always hungry! Im asking about the new ones!" My mom says and we all say we were pretty hungry since we didnt want to buy over priced junk from the airport.


"No way! You were in our grade?" Sam says in disbelief and Liam was just laughing.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now