Chapter 23: Dad?

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Colby was on the plane back to California right now. Im not too bothered that much because Im going back tomorrow.

A notification came through on my phone and it was a text from Keeley

K: Im so so so sorry that I didnt reply! I lost my phone while I was out with Jake and I just bought a new one. I still dont know where my phone is but i hope the person that has my phone enjoys the shitty cracked screen

E: omg how tf did you lose you phone!??

K: i dont even know! one minute i had it the next it was fucking gone!

E: well it doesn't matter anymore cause u have a new phone but im coming back to California tomorrow and im gonna need you to pick me up from the airport

K: okk! make sure you say hi to ur parents for me!

E: will do x

Im so beyond confused on how she would lose her phone but its whatever

I left my room and went downstairs to find my mom looking out to the garden watching my dad play with our dog.

It sounded like she was crying. I walked over to her and hugged her around her shoulders.

"Why are you crying mama?" I ask softly

She kept crying softly.

I rubbed her arm and rested my head on top of hers.

"I didnt want it to come out like this hun." She speaks up.

"Hm?" I ask

"Its your dad." Her voice breaks

"What about him?" I ask concernedly

"Hes.. Hes got terminal cancer. We only found out this morning." Her voice breaks even more and she turns around and hugs me tightly.

Tears sting at my eyes, Im going to lose my dad?

"What? How long has he got?" I ask

"Well if he decides to go on with chemo he could have about 4-6 months, if he chooses not to he could have 2 or 3 months left." She hugs me tighter.

A tear rolls down my cheek. How is my mom going to cope? Shes been married to this man for 30 years, Hes been one of the reasons to be happy in this god awful earth.

Why him?

We stood there for a few moments just hugging, already grieving.

I dont know how to feel. How did he not know he had cancer? I feel bad that I havent been around a lot. I'll make sure Im around a lot more even if it means draining my pockets for all the cash I have.

My mom pulls away from the hug and wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her top. Her whites of her eyes were all red from her crying.

Our silence was interrupted by the back door opening and my dad walking through with our dog.

He noticed that we were crying and I almost sprinted to my dad to give him a huge hug.

"You told her huh?" He asks

My mom nodded and my dad hugged me tightly.

"Im so so sorry dad." I said, my voice was breaking, Im trying to be as strong as I can for him.

"Its not your fault darling. Theres no way you couldve stopped this happening." He said pulling away from the hug.

"Im just sorry for all the stupid fucking arguments we used to get in, the way I would cause you so much stress over me using coke, all the idiotic shit I did as a kid, Im just so sorry dad. And mom, Im so sorry." I said while my dad wiped my face with his thumb.

"Its already been forgiven Eden, You were a kid, Kids gotta be kids y'know?" My dad said with a slight chuckle.

I nod.

"Does Liam know?" I ask

My mom and dad shake their heads. How is he going to react. How the fuck will anybody react when George Montgomery passes?

I knew one day I would have to plan my parents funeral but I didnt think it would be this soon.

Im happy I let him meet my current boyfriend though. Atleast he would know Im safe with Colby. Ill always be safe with Colby.


I had finished packing the rest of my stuff and I packed my little stuffed elephant June aswell.

Im going to miss this house, I know Im going to come back as soon as I can. I cant leave my dad here while he gets weaker due to his cancer. Especially with the Chemo hes not even going to be able to walk up the stairs without being exhausted after it.

I feel like shit, Why cant it have been me? Not him, He doesnt deserve it, Nobody deserves to die from cancer.

Why does he have to leave us here without him? I know its not his choice to have cancer but its still fucking hurts.

My dad is dealing with the news in his own way, hes building more things for my mom which is sweet.

Theyve told Liam and Liam is distraught about it. His passing will probably affect my mom and Liam the most.

Authors note

if your struggling with stuff like this in real life please dont be afraid to get help either online or in person, you can even vent to me on here in the messages if you want to im not fussed. I hope your all doing well and I love you more than anything x

Thank you for all the reads x

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now