Chapter 6: Colby

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TW again for this chapter 🖤

Ive been sitting in me and Keeleys hotel room for about an hour just by myself. I like being alone so Im not complaining really. Its about 2:34pm now so were leaving in like 2 hours.

Ive been going through some serious mood swings, one minute I was wanting to end it all the next I was wanting to grow old with my soulmate watching our grandchildren run around our house.

Its honestly depressing.

Ive compared myself to models online and its getting to me seriously. I hate the way my thighs look, hate the way my stomach isn't completely flat no matter what exercises I do, How some people can eat 3000 calories a day and not gain any weight at all. Its just unfair.

I get called 'pretty' 'gorgeous' all the time but yet I never feel like it.

I always look my best when Im feeling my lowest, and if I show any emotion other than happy Im a fucking monster.

I was in tears sitting on the bathroom floor of the hotel room. I hear the hotel room unlock and somebody walk in. I quickly wipe my tear stained cheeks and ran the tap for a moment so incase the person that walked in thinks that Im washing my hands or something.

"Eden?" I hear a voice call out. I open the bathroom door and I find Colby sitting on the bed that me and Keeley are sharing.

"Colby? What are you doing here?" I ask while still wiping my face

Colby completely ignores the question and asks
"Are you okay? You look like youve been crying."

"Im fine Colby. What are you doing here?"
"You werent answering your phone so Keeley sent me up here to check if your okay."
"Well I'm fine so theres no problem here so you can go back to doing what ever you were doing before you came up here." I say starting to get annoyed. He suddenly decides that hes gonna start talking to me after ignoring me all day and acting like I never existed.

"Right okay. Be like that then." Colbys voice sounded annoyed. He stood up and started walking to the door of the hotel room.
"Be like what Colby? Youve been ignoring me all fucking day. Youve acted all day as if I never existed for fucks sake! God what have I done to annoy the poor Colby Brock! You know if you didnt want me here why even fucking ask me to come! You clearly only wanna hang out with Keeley, So go hang out with her. I dont give a fuck. And if you so wish I wont be in your fucking video tonight. Im sure you wont miss me."

Colby stood there in shock. As if everything clicked in his stupid fucking brain. At this point I have no sympathy for anyone. Fuck! I dont even have sympathy for myself.

Tears sting at my eyes and I sniffle.

"What do you mean I dont want you here Eden? If I didnt want you here I wouldnt of asked you to come. And if you think I like Keeley more than you, your so wrong." Colby says breaking the silence in the room
"Well why did you ask me and Keeley to come Colby? You couldve asked any of your other friends that you have for example, Kat, Sam's girlfriend or even Amanda."

"You know what Eden?" Colby says sternly.
"Your not the person I thought you were. Youve changed. You were an amazing girl in that abandoned warehouse we met in. That chat we had? It was one of the best fucking conversations I've had in a while! I dont know where your getting that I dont want you here. Your so fucking confusing Eden."

"Im confusing. Great. Thats everything a girl wants to be called." A tear falls from my eye. I could see it was affecting Colby. His body was getting tense just looking at me. I dont know whats up with him but it would make a whole lot of sense if he told me now what was wrong with him.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now