Chapter 46: Promise

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I woke up, Daisy was still on the bed, Colby was still next to me shirtless. I took this time to admire what I have. I have a loving boyfriend, A solid family life that a lot of people dont have and I have friends and family who love me. I take it all for granted and I need to be more thankful for what I have.

I admired Colbys peaceful face expression. Its not something I get to see often. I pulled out my camera and Vlogged small clips that I could jumble together while editing of Us in bed. I dont have many memorable from small moments like this that I cherish.

Yeah, My room is very much immature from what I am like now. I mean some stuff hasnt changed a lot but I can tell my current decor is very different to what it was when I was 16-18. Its weird how people can change. A lot of people dont and people dont realise that.

I got up out of my bed and took daisy with me so I could let her go to the toilet outside. I went downstairs and my mom was already down there, She had a mug of some sort in her hand and she was gazing out the kitchen window into the back yard.

"Morning mom." I say grabbing her attention.

"Hey Edie." My mom says smiling sweetly at me.

"You got any plans today?" I ask as any normal person would.

"Ive gotta go out grocery shopping, get the car washed, put a few things into storage. So it should take up most of the day. What about you Eden?" My mom asks in return.

"I have no clue to be honest Mom." I say and I slump down onto the counter while waiting for my coffee to brew.

I heard somebody come down the stairs and it was Sam, Kat and Liam.

"Hey guys. You want any breakfast?" My mom asks.

"Hey! Why didnt you ask if I wanted any breakfast?" I ask noticing the difference.

"I knew you would always want breakfast Eden. No bother asking." My mom laughs and we all join in.

"Yeah Amelia, We would love some breakfast, Please." Sam says sitting down at the kitchen island and Liam snatched my cup of coffee and starts drinking it.

"Hey!" I say swatting his arm and that causes him to choke on his coffee.

"Snooze you lose!" He says continuing to drink my coffee.

"Ew! Did you put a vanilla coffee capsule in?" He asks wiping his mouth.

"Yeah! Durh." I say rolling my eyes.

"Your disgusting, How can you drink this?" He asks in disgust.

"Actually Liam, Vanilla coffee is very nice." Kat says folding her arms.

Liam looks to Sam for confirmation and Sam just shrugs which gains a laugh from all of us.

Daisy came back in and went and layed down with a toy in her bed.

We heard heavy footsteps in the hall where the stairs were and it was Colby. Still in his stripey pyjama pants and shirtless showing off his tattoos.

"Oh Colby! I didnt realise you had tattoos. What do they mean?" My mom asks noticing Colbys tattoos he had on his arms and torso.

"Oh, Uhm" He says pointing to the one on his chest, "The lock and heart, It basically means protect your heart." He says

"Very creative Colby, Youve gotta talk to me later about each of your tattoo meanings if they have one." My mom says cracking eggs into a hot pan to scramble them.

"Yeah, Of course Amelia." He says adjusting me to be standing infront of him so he could out his arms around me.

"Ive got something to show you Colby." I whisper into his ear.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now