Chapter 40: Meant to be

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I was scrolling on tiktok. Multiple videos kept showing up of the old trap boys. I still had no clue why they split up and didnt do videos together. Colby would just never talk about it.

I know why Elton left the traphouse, Corey and Elton had a really bad fight to the point Elton just left. I dont know what the argument was about but it was about something.

"Come on. Lets go!" Colby said walking into the living room from the bathroom.

"Yep. Im ready." I said standing up smoothing out my dress and putting my phone in my little purse that I had over my shoulder.

"Kat! Sam! Come on, Me and Eden are ready! I wanna get this night going!" Colby said shouting loud enough for Sam and Kat to hear him.

"Coming!" Kat said hurriedly, She was putting in a pair of earrings while walking down the stairs.

"Sams just putting on cologne, By the way." Kat said putting in her last earring when she came to the bottom of the stairs.

"God! Kat!" I said scanning over Kat with my eyes

"What? Is something wrong?" She said looking over her outfit. She was wearing a white dress that was tight fitting that had a low v neck, Black strappy heels and a white purse.

"No! You look amazing!" I said walking over to her.

"Awh,Thank you Eden. This girl makes my heart melt." She said looking over to Colby who was just watching us.

He wont ever understand the love girls have for their friends. Its a different kind of love.

"Eden you look gorgeous." She said leaning in and doing the 'La Bise" Kiss to me.

"Thank you Kat." I said with gratefulness. I needed that compliment.

Sam came down the stairs quickly taking me and Kats attention off of eachother.

"Alright! Lets go!" Colby said picking up a leather jacket and putting his hand on the small of my back to lead me outside to the uber.

"Yes! I need a night of drinking!" Kat said happily while Sams arm was around her shoulders.

Sam locked up the house and we all got into the uber.


"Thank you." We all said collectively to the uber driver who was probably the best uber driver we had ever had.

He dropped us right outside the club and then we made our way inside after showing the bouncer our ID's.

He thought I was under 21. I mean, I'd take that as a compliment.

We made our way to a booth and Colby waved over a waiter.

"Straight tequila for me." I say to the waitress and everybody else orders their drinks.

"Straight tequila? Jesus christ Eden!" Sam said over the loud music.

"Yeah! I need this night out!" I said shouting so the whole table could hear me.

We got our drinks a few moments later. Colby ordered another 2 rounds for each of us before we had even had a sip of our first drinks.

"To the future!" Sam said happily holding up his drink and we all toasted to the future to what ever it brings. I loved being out with these guys. It was one of the best feelings ever, They were all such party animals, It really brought me out of my shell.

"To the future!" We all say taking sips of our drinks and I made a weird face due to the straight tequila I just drank.

"The lime on the side doesnt make it any better." I say to Colby and he laughed.

"Lets all get drunk first and then get onto the dance floor, eh?" He suggested.

Sam woo'd and me and Kat screamed yes.


Me and Kat left the dance floor to go the bathroom. A girl can never go to the toilet by herself and thats girl code.

We walked into the bathroom that smelt of sex and hormones. We were greeted by a blonde girl having a full mental breakdown staring at herself in the mirror above the sinks.

"Yo.. Are you okay?" Kat asks the girl walking up to her

"Oh shit yeah. Im fine. My boyfriend just kissed my bestfriend. So I guess Im not fine since Im having a full on mental breakdown in a club bathroom." She said laughing wiping her face from her running mascara.

"Boys aint shit." Kat said, "I mean, Me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 years but its what ever. It doesnt even matter right now. All that matters is if your okay." Kat said comforting the girl by hugging her.

"Yeah, Thanks. Me and him were together 5 years and he proposed to me last week. So I guess it makes this situation worse." She said hugging Kat back.

"Oh shit!" I said hearing her I was in utter shock.

"Thats awful." Kat said rubbing the girls back soothingly.

"I didnt catch your guys' names." She said pulling away from the hug looking between me and Kat.

"Im Kat and thats Eden." She said pointing over to me.

"Im Wren." She said with a smile on her face.

"Wren?" I ask hearing that correctly. It cant be. That cant be the same Wren that Colby was with. She died. It cant be her, Its impossible. My heart was racing.

"Yeah. Wren Smith. I was going to be Wren Mook. But now I dont even know. I dont even want to get married to him anymore." Wren said

Kat gave a friendly smile and looked back at her and calmed her down and helped her fix her make up.

After about 20 minutes in the bathroom Wren left.

"Did you catch that?" I ask Kat.

"Catch what?" Kat asks oblivious and she fixed up her red lipstick in the bathroom mirror.

"Her name was Wren Smith. Colby dated a Wren Smith. Was that her?" I ask . My thoughts were going a million miles per hour at this moment.

"No Eden. That wasnt her. Wren had brown hair and green eyes. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. Theres one thing that you cant change about yourself with surgery. Its your eye color." Kat assured me it wasnt her, "Plus, The Wren that Colby dated died. Passed away. Im not gonna get into it but that wasnt her. Theres plenty of Wren Smiths in this world. I would know that Wren Smith the one that Colby dated is dead because I went to her funeral." Kat said putting away her lipstick.

My heart rate slowed.

I felt calmer now that I knew it wasnt her.


filler chapter sorry. i havent posted on this story in a week. its bad really but i wrote this shitty ass chapter in about 30 minutes. its awful i know. they normally take me like 2-4 hours depending how long they will be. but filler chapter after another filler chapter? im such a bad writer but i wanted to give this book another chapter.

10 chapters left.

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