Chapter 36: To the moon and back, Remember?

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smut warning * will be put before and after if you dont want to read ;)

I woke up to the bedroom door
opening. Who ever was coming wasnt overly quiet about it. I forced my eyes open and look over to the door.

It was Colby.

He was coming in from being away, It felt like a huge relief that he was back, I had missed him so much. It took a moment for my eyes to fully focus on him.

He was wearing a black tank top and white sweatpants. He looked over to me and smiled when we locked eye contact.

I pulled the cover off of me and Colby had started putting away his clothes from his suitcase.

He was focused on the dresser. He was opening drawers and putting his t-shirts away.

I got up out of bed and came to his side and hugged him around his waist.

I guess it took him by surprise

"Good afternoon Eden." Colby said hugging me back and kissing me on the forehead

"Afternoon?" I ask to confirm if I heard him right.

"Yes afternoon Eden. Its 2pm." He chuckled lowly.

I made a humming sound while I hugged him longer. I really did miss him for the 2 days he was gone.

"Whats with this hugging mood Eden?" Colby asked still hugging me and running his fingers through my hair

"I just really missed you Cole." I say still not fully awake.

"Ive missed you more than you can imagine." He says pulling my face away from his body so he can look at my face

"Fuck Eden." He said groaning.

"Hm?" I ask

"Your so perfect. Theres not a single imperfection on you. All of your insecurities I love them all individually." He said moving my hair out of my face with his fingertip.

His comment made my heart melt. I didnt know what I did to deserve him. He was insanely good looking, Sweet, Loving and just every positive adjective to describe him.

I love him, He loves me

I think about him constantly, Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.

His comment definitely made me blush so hard. I buried my face into his side. I took a deep inhale, He smelt amazing.

"Why are you blushing Eden?" Colby laughed

"No reason." I say taking my face away from his side and looked up at him with a smirk.

He looked towards the door and then back to me.

He reached over and shut the door and looked down to me.

He reached down and picked me up and wrapped my legs around his. He carried me over to our bed and he sat down with me on his lap. I put my hands in his hair at the back of his head

"What are you thinking Colby?" I ask knowing where this will go. I could already feel the buldge in his pants underneath me.

"Im just thinking about how much Ive missed you." He said with a smirk

"Well, I can tell you want more from what Im feeling beneath me." I whispered into his ear.

He groaned and put his head onto my shoulder

"You drive me crazy Eden." He said.

"A good thing or a bad thing?" I ask

He pulled up his head to look at me,

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now