Chapter 44: Date

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Its now Christmas. I had given everybody their gifts and I had also booked a flight to Kansas to see my parents on the 27th of December.

I was sat at my vanity putting my makeup on and straightening my hair.

"You nearly ready?" Colby asks putting his cufflinks onto his blazer. "Nearly Colby. Hold on!" I laughed. He was super impatient, Especially because he had no idea where we were going and he didnt know why I told him to dress in a suit.

"Alright, Alright." He said walking over to me and kissing me on the side of my face.

I smiled sweetly looking into the reflection from the mirror.

I got up out of my seat from my vanity and got my heels on.

I was wearing a black blazer dress that came up high on my thigh and then black versace pump heels. I absolutely love these heels I couldnt live without them.

I picked up my little black prada bag and put a few essentials in it. Lipgloss, Cash, credit card, loose change, gum, and a small little perfume bottle.

"Alright. Im ready." I said putting my arms to the side of me so Colby could take a look at me. He admired me from head to toe.

"Come on. Stop gawking. The Uber is outside!" I said grabbing Colbys hand and pulling him through the house.

Sam and Kat had already gone out for their meal and Im just saying, If Sam doesnt propose to Kat I will. Shes literally stunning and she deserves all the happiness that comes to her. Shes such a sweetheart. And Sam! How could I forget about Sam. Hes like a golden retriever, You can clearly see how much he loves Kat and its not hidden away. He loves to show her off that shes his and nobody elses. Its cute really.

We get out to the uber after locking up the front door and I had already put our destination in on the uber app so Colby wouldnt hear me say where we were going. It was driving him mad.


We finally got to the restaurant and we got shown to our table which was right next to the water display.

The restaurant was packed to the brim with customers and It gave off a really lively feature.

"Anything to drink?" The really pretty waitress came over and asked.

"Uh.." I looked at the menu for the drinks, "Can I have just a champagne?" I ask and she writes it down. I look to Colby who was still deciding. "Can I just get a martini please?" He asks and she writes it down.

"Ill be back with your drinks." She says and walks off.

"Isnt this place amazing?" I ask admiring all the features to the restaurant.

"Yeah, It is. How on earth did you manage to get us a table at this place?" He asks

"People had just cancelled their tables. Thats how I got a table. Plus. I wouldnt let our anniversary go without a nice dinner and especially it being Christmas as well.

Me and Colby chatted for a long time. It felt like a huge pressure had been lifted off of me. We hadnt had a talk like this for a long time, opening up about things that were worrying us, Talking about the future, Plans for 2023. Just stuff like that. It felt amazing.

The relief was amazing.

"Okay can I take your order for food?" The waitress asked.

"Yeah, Can I get the Kobe, Hyogo prefecture?" I say and she writes it down.

"Can I get the same please?" Colby says and she writes it down again.

Thats $600 just on food.

After about 20 minutes our food came. It honestly looked spectacular and I had never treated myself to such a high quality steak before.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now