Chapter 22: Safe

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I made my way up to my room that Ive had since I was a child. Shit everything was were I left it last time I was here which was 2 years ago.

Ive missed this place so much.

I started looking around at the pictures that I had posted around my room. Some were of me and other friends at prom, others were at different family events. The memories I had in this room were all coming back. Different things I looked at memories came back to me.

I started looking at different pieces of jewellery I had lying around on my dresser. Even pictures with my old boyfriend that I had in highschool were still stuck up on the wall. God I don't miss him.

I sat down on my bed and it was just as comfortable as I remember. The sheets still smelt fresh.

My daydream got interrupted by my brother stumbling into my room.

"Uh What you doing?" He asks

"I dont even know, I guess just reminiscing on the memories I have in this room I guess."

"Oh my god! Remember when you and Faye were smoking at the window when you guys were having a sleep over and I walked in wanting a video game?" He said chuckling

"Oh my god! How could I forget! And the fact I had to bribe you with $20 to not tell mom!" I laughed, losing my breath from how hard I was laughing.

"Pahaha! Yes, I still haven't told her." He said with a grin. He came further into my room and sat down next to me on the bed.

"So what are you doing here brother?" I ask

"I come round on the weekends, Most of the time just to come help mom and dad with tasks that they're too old to do" He laughed cheekily. He knows they aren't that old but they're getting on in age where they're getting arthritis and aching joints.

My eyes were scanning around the room. I saw my old stereo.

"Oh my god! I forgot about this!" I said jumping up from the bed and literally running over to my old pink stereo. I pressed play and Womanizer by Britany Spears started playing.

"Oh! I used to fucking love this song!" I said excitedly

"Yeah! I remember you used to play it all day and night and literally used to scream the lyrics with Faye." Liam said laughing

Faye was my old bestfriend. She moved to Florida after we finished highschool. I havent spoke to her in years. We stayed in contact for the first couple of months after highschool finished but we havent spoke since.

"God, I miss Faye." I say sitting back down on the bed beside my brother.

"She was in town the other week. I saw her." He said

"Bullshit! Why didnt you tell me?!" I scream hitting him with a pillow

"Ow!" He says rubbing his head "I mean texts from Kansas to California arent exactly cheap." He joked

Suddenly we heard our mom shout up the stairs for us to come get lunch.


We ate lunch and I decided to just sit in the kitchen watching the nature outside the window.

Its so peaceful in Kansas. Literally in the neighbourhood that my mom lives in is quiet everywhere. The only sounds you will hear are birds and a car occasionally driving past.

I dont know why I ever moved.

A notification disturbed my peace.

Im going back to California tomorrow. Wanna meet somewhere?

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now