Chapter 24: Cali

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Im now back home in California. It was so much harder to leave now knowing the news about my dad. I want to be there for every moment in the remainder of his life.

I had told anybody about it yet, but i think the first person I would tell would be Keeley.

Speaking of her she was vacuuming when I got back to the apartment. She had bought a couple things for our apartment consisting of; a few house plants, small little neon signs, a new fluffy white carpet for the living room and other small items around the apartment.

When she noticed I walked in the door she ran up to me and gave me a huge hug. I love this girl so much, I dont know what I would do without her.

She pulled away from the hug

"so... How was it?" She said excitedly awaiting my answer

"It was good." I said with a nod, I pulled my suitcase into my bedroom to unpack.

"Come on.. Normally you would have loads of gifts from Kansas!"
She said following me into my bedroom.

"Uhm. I didnt have time." I seriously didnt. I want to spend time with my dad.

"Oh. Alright! Well im going out with Jake again later." She says walking out of my room and packs away the vacuum.

I open my suitcase and start to unpack.


Keeley had gone out with Jake, She didnt say where but I just hope she doesnt do anything stupid.

I heard a knock at the door.

I got up off the couch and answered it. It was Colby.

"Hey." I say moving out the way of the door so he could come in.

"Hey.. You okay?" He asks looking at my face.

"Yeah. Im fine why?" I ask

"Uh. Your mascara is smudged all down your cheeks. You've obviously been crying. What were you crying about Eden?" He asks softly.

I shut the front door and I scoff.

"Its nothing, its just stupid dont worry." I say reassuring him. I had completely forgot I was crying like 10 minutes ago. I quickly swiped my cheeks with the tips of my fingers.

"No, Come on. Tell me." He says walking over to the couch and sat down.

"Oh uhm." Just thinking about it was making me feel shitty.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Colby.

"I- Uh its about my dad." I admit.

"Whats wrong with your dad." He asks softly.

I sniffle, I didnt know how to tell him.

"Hes uh." I say playing with the rings on my fingers.

"Hes got terminal cancer." I say quietly. I didnt know if Colby heard.

Tears pricked at my eyes.

"Im so sorry Eden. How long has he got left?" He asked

"If he decides he wants chemo he could hopefully have 4-6 months left but if he doesnt he has about 2-3 months." A tear rolled down my cheek. I just know in the next 6 months Im going to have to attend my dads funeral.

"Shit. How is he coping with the news?"

"Uhm. Well hes building more things for my mom so she can remember him from the items, Hes doing more stuff to the house like repainting the walls and just other things so my mom doesnt have to worry about doing them after hes gone." I said. Colby rubbed my arm soothingly.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now