Chapter 7: Who?

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The night went fairly quickly. My sickness hadnt left yet even after we finished up with the house.

I had been throwing up for 2 continuous hours in me and Keeleys hotel room.

Everybody was in our hotel room because apparently theyve never seen anybody throw up this much before. Which I dont doubt but the amount of parties the boys used to have I wouldve thought theyve seen something similar.

Keeley had been by my side for the whole 2 hours I was sat on the floor by the toilet in the bathroom. She was holding back my hair for me.

I told her to just go to sleep and that I would be fine but she insisted on staying awake for me. The boys had brought duvets and pillows into our room and they were sleeping on either the floor or the couch.

After about 2 and a half hours I had finally stopped being sick. I was so exhausted from puking guts up that I could literally fall asleep on the bathroom tiles.

It was about 3 in the morning so me and Keeley were for sure tired.

We both got into bed and as soon as our heads hit the pillow we both fell asleep.


I woke up to my phone buzzing. It was my mom ringing me. I dont think she knows I'm in Kansas.

I answered the phone
"Hey mom."
"Hey Eden, How are you? Keeley told me that you guys were in Kansas last night. Why on earth are you in Kansas?"
"Oh, Uhm. Were in Kansas to film a video for our friends youtube."
"Ugh! You and your metube or what ever its called obsession." She says laughing down the phone.

"Well mom all of my friends are asleep so I'm gonna go."
"Okay hun! I love you! Make sure you come and see me while your in Kansas!" She kisses down the phone
"Okay love you too mom. Bye."

I hung up and looked at the time. It was 11:22 am.

I decided to get out of the bed and go shower and freshen up.

I locked the door and jumped into the shower. I let the hot water scald my skin. Its always a release when I feel the hot water pour all over me. Its relaxing to say the least.

I freshened up with the hotels fancy body washes that I'm probably going to take home since it smells so good. I got out the shower and wiped the condensation off of the mirror. I quickly brushed my teeth and went out of the bathroom to get some clean clothes out of my suitcase. I opened the door to the bathroom so see Colby was now awake and on his phone. I didnt expect him to be awake but I didnt think anything of it.

I went over to my suitcase and got out new underwear and sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

I went back into the bathroom and changed.

When I came back everybody was awake.

Was I being too loud or is everybody just suddenly waking up.

"I wanna go get something to eat Keeley. Get ready so we can go to the food hall." I say while putting my dirty clothes back into my suitcase.

"Ill go with you Eden." I look up to find Colby was now standing up and putting his phone in his back pocket.

"Right whatever." I said slipping on some slippers.

Me and Colby leave the hotel room and walk to the elevator in silence.

We got into the elevator when Colby finally breaks the silence.

"Do you really think I dont want you here Eden?" I give him a glare for starting this back up.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now