Chapter 33: Only

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Its now September. We've fully unpacked the house, We have a few more rooms to fill but that can be sorted later on in the month.

Colbys started going back to the gym, trying to get his muscles back. I say its sexy.

Theres not been a lot we've done over the past few weeks, We've been out a couple times but thats pretty much it.

Not to mention Sam and Colby opened a fucking dybbuk box in our new house. Not one, Two of them!

Ive been reminiscing on the old trap house the boys used to have.

Ive been binge watching all the pranks they did. I still havent gotten it out of Colby why they all split up.

"Eden?" I heard my name being called from somewhere in the house.

"Yeah?" I shout back waiting for a response.

"Come here for a sec!" I heard the voice say again. I now realised it was Colby.

"Where are you?" I say getting up off of the couch and pausing the youtube video I was watching on the tv.

"In our room!" I hear Colby say and I start going up the stairs to our bedroom.

I pass Kat while on the stairs.

"Hey Eden!" Kat says gleefully

"Hey Kat. I havent seen you all day. How are you?" I reply while still walking to the top of the stairs.

"Im alright, Me and Sam have just been shopping all day. Theres a surprise for you in you and Colbys bedroom." She said with a wink.

"Okay. Ill go look at it in a minute." I laugh and continue walking to Me and Colbys room.

I finally got to me and Colbys room and the door was locked

I knock softly on the door.

"Hold on, Just a second!" I hear Colby say from inside the room.

I wait patiently outside the room awaiting for the door to be unlocked.

I hear the door be unlocked and I turn my attention to the door.

The door opens but only slightly.

I push the door open further and walk in the room.

I see Colby stood there in a suit.

"Suit? What for?" I say walking up to him.

"I dont know, I just thought you might like it. You dont see me in suits often." He says messing with his cuff links on his blazer.

I walk closer up to him, My face was now in line with his chest.

I look up to him. He was still wearing a cap since he thought his hair cut was awful.

"You need to take the cap off, Your haircut isnt that bad Colbs." I say reaching up and taking the cap off of him.

I turn him to face the mirror.

"See? Its not bad." I say ruffling his hair a little bit. I stand beside him holding his tricep.

He laughs, Hid laugh is all I need in my life, I love it when hes happy. I love it when he laughs.

I smile sweetly to him.

"Shit, Kat said she had a surprise for me. Hold on Im gonna go look at it." I say quickly walking to our shared bathroom.

I see the bag on the counter and along with it was a little note.

'Hope you like it Eden'  with a little drawn heart at the side.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now