Chapter 34: She

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I woke up from random taps on the wall. I didnt know what it was. I stayed lying there in our bed in the pitch black. Staring at the ceiling.

The taps died down. I just ruled it off as being a bird on the roof or something.

I turned back to Colby who still had his arms wrapped around me. His breathing was heavy symbolising he was asleep. He looked so peaceful. How had he not woken up from the random taps.

I didnt even know what time it was. It was still dark outside. I was just guessing early hours of the morning.

Colby stirred in his sleep. He pulled me closer.

"Wren." He said.


Who is Wren?

Ive never heard Colby talk about a Wren.

Was it a friend?

Something more?

I was beyond confused. Questions flooded through my head trying to figure out who Wren was.

"Shh.. Wren." He said again in his sleep.

I looked to Colbys face making sure he was actually asleep.

"Colbs?" I whisper but loud enough for him to hear if he was actually awake.

Nothing. He didnt react. He didnt even move. His breathing was still in a normal pattern.

I didnt know what to do. What if he was cheating on me? What if our whole relationship was a facade?

I dont know how I could continue if I knew our relationship was a big facade.

I slipped out of bed and sat on the edge of the bed for a moment.

Debating on what to do.

Should I wake him?

No, I wont wake him.

I finally decided I would just sleep downstairs.

I quickly changed into my normal pyjamas and left our room.

I went downstairs to the living room and sorted out a few blankets for me.

My mind wouldnt stop asking questions I couldnt answer.

I dont know what to do.

I mean Colby will notice in the morning I'm not in bed with him.

How do I explain it?

I tried shutting out all of the consistent questions that kept flooding my brain.

I finally fell back asleep on the couch.



I was waking up. I kept hearing my name being said.

I slowly opened my eyes. The morning light basically blinded me.

It took me a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light that was now blinding me.

"Eden? Where are you?"

I heard again.

I then remembered why I was down here. Sleeping on the couch.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

I looked around. Everything looked the same.

"Eden! Thats where you are."

I heard my name again.

I looked to where I heard my voice coming from.

"Jesus. Why arent you sleeping in our room?" Colby said.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now