Chapter 28: Hospital

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I woke up, unfortunately. I sat up against the head board and rubbed my head. My hangover was coming in strong already. I dont think its worth it though.

I checked my phone and decided to go on twitter and there was nothing new, only tweets saying happy birthday that were a few hours old. I guess timezones.

I got up out of bed, took my phone off charge and went to go downstairs.

The house seemed quiet. I heard sizzling in the kitchen though. I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen. Who ever was in the kitchen and making food the food smelt really good.

Their back was turned to me but I could tell who it was already by the tattoos. The X tattoo on the back of his lower neck said it all. It was Colby. I walked around the counter to the coffee machine and out in a coffee pod and put a cup under the spout.

"Morning." Colby said still cooking the bacon in the pan
"Morning." I responded.

I sat down at the kitchen island on one of the stools.

Colby pulled out 2 plates and places the bacon onto the plate and walked over to the toaster and pulled out 4 waffles. He places 2 waffles on each plate and turned around to me and placed a plate infront of me.

"How often do you smoke?" He asks.

I put down my coffee and looked at him.

"Not often. Only when I feel shit." I said that so it would be a slight dig at him for last night.

"Are we gonna talk about last night?" He asks starting to eat his bacon off of his plate.
"Whats there to talk about?" I ask
"A lot." He responded. The air in the room felt tense.

"Like you calling me crazy?" I ask
"Yeah. I admit that what I said was wrong Eden and Im sorry for that. I hope you know that." He says sincerely.

"I know, But you didnt have to say that. You do realise she sexually assaulted you Colby." I say.
"I know. I dont know what to do about it. I mean if I went to the police they will just defend Jayla partly because she was drunk.." He starts to speak but I interrupt.

"She may have been drunk but she did it to Sam and you. There was probably cameras outside the club." I respond.

He shrugs. I dont think he cares about it. I think he just cares about that Im speaking to him again.

"Where is everybody?" I ask noticing that the house was quiet.

"They all went out for breakfast but I wanted to stay behind just to talk to you." He replies.

Thats cute.

I carry on eating and nothing else was said between us while we were eating. I finish my food and get up to go put my plate in the sink.

"You know we are actually looking into moving to Las Vegas?" He says out of the blue.

"Really?" I ask

"Yep. We found this really nice house. Its like perfect. It doesnt need any renovations or anything." He says.

"You should go for it!" I say turning to Colby who was now stood next to me. He put his plate in the sink. I suddenly felt super sick. I quickly ran away from Colby and ran into the nearest bathroom and locked the door and puked into the toilet. I could hear him knocking on the door to see if I was okay.

I finally finished puking and washed my hands and mouth out. I flushed the toilet and saw Colby sitting on the floor outside the door.

"You okay?" He asks quickly standing up and grabs my hands.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now