Chapter 14: Where are you?

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Smut in this chapter ;) * will be out before and after if you dont want to read x

Its now new years eve. Im at Sam and Colbys house with Keeley and Keeley was the only one I had actually told about me and Colbys relationship. She would always ask me how we are and shes just wondering if I'm actually ready to be in a relationship. I honestly dont know. I love being in an embrace with Colby, His scent, His rings, Tattoos, Hair, Eyes etc all draw me in. Its like an addiction to him at this point. I just love the way he makes me feel.

At Sam and Colbys house there was a little gathering of people. Mostly people that they had collabed with before.

Jake was here with a girl named Tara, He said that they were just friends but look at me and Colby. Corey was here with Devyn, Stas, Reggie, Amanda, Mackie. Like I said. A small gathering. Kat was here too but just not in the living room with us. She had gone to go refill her drink in the kitchen.

Me and Keeley were sat down on our regular couch with little champagne glasses. I was wearing a small white sparkly dress with strappy heels that went up to my knee. Keeley was wearing a little pink dress that stuck to all the right places and showed off her literal Barbie curves. Not to mention her ass looked amazing in it. It was loose round the neckline which complimented her bust. He was wearing my heels that I wore to the party last time. I said she could have them since they would just bring me bad memories if I wore them again, Luckily we are the same size feet though Keeley is a couple inches taller than me.

We were sat talking about 'New year's resolutions' I never stuck to any of mine because frankly its hard to eat healthily for a whole year without any resilience.

"Hey wheres Colby?" I ask the room. They look around.

"Uhm.. Maybe he went to go get more alcohol? I dont know. Try text him or call him." Sam says with a reassuring smile. Sam and Kat were cuddled up together on another couch and it was really cute. Keeley was talking to Jake. She seems like the perfect match for him. They keep bouncing off of each other.

I sent Colby a text

E: hey where are you? Im at your house. Sam invited me over. You okay?

I kept anxiously looking at my phone to see if he read it.

after a couple minutes i check again and it says 'Read at 11:22pm'

Whys he not texting back? Is he hurt? Is he safe? I dont know whats going on. I stand up off of the couch and walk to the bathroom. I took my phone with me and dialled Colbys number into my phone.

Come on. Pick up, pick up cole.

"Eden?" A knock scares me a little on the bathroom door.

"Just a minute."

I say while still listening to the ringing of my phone awaiting for Colby to answer. Why the fuck is he being like this? Did I do something? Does he need space? I just want him to tell me whats wrong. I pull my phone down from my ear and send a text again to him

E: cole answer your phone. where are you? call me or text me. dont just leave me on read.

I open the door to find Kat at the door. She comes in quickly and shuts the door behind her.

"You okay? You went into the bathroom pretty quickly." Kat asks for reassurance

"Yeah. Im fine Kat. I just want to know where colby is. Hes not answering my calls or my texts for fucks sake!" Tears sting at my eyes. I want to know what I did wrong for Colby to do this.

We hear the front door opening and a tear escapes out my eye. We rush out the bathroom to find Colby there. He had multiple bruises on his face and down his neck. His knuckles they seemed red and bloody.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now