Chapter 37: Camera

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Ive decided to not dig any deeper into Wren. I feel as though its a touchy subject to everybody in the house. Ive tried asking Sam but he wont tell me anything. All he says is that

'She was a great girl. Similar to you.'

Ive not tried searching on social media for anything or even googling her name. I decided to just completely forget about it.

Colbys sat at his desk in our room editing the hell week videos. Hes editing the video in the hospital of nuns. Im not sure what its completely about but Colby keeps saying they captured so much evidence for the paranormal.

I was a skeptic before something touched me in the graveyard months ago. Its still scary to think about that something scratched me.

But then again.. It was the first time Colby saw me in my underwear. By accident of course.

Still such a scary night. Words cant explain how scary it was for me and the others.

Me and Keels havent spoke much since a few weeks after we moved here. I think shes still pretty sad about us moving. I mean I miss her a lot but wouldnt you move with your supposed soulmate if you had the chance. I hope she does find somebody who treats her right since all her old boyfriends treated her like shit and all the relationships ended up in heartbreak for her.

Colbys watching the part hes edited over and over again to make sure its completely perfect. He always complains that hes not good at adding effects and that Sams the better one at doing it but his editing is perfect just the way it is.

"Come watch this." He says breaking the silence in the room while Im writing in my journal.

I closed my journal and left my pen in the page I was writing on and got up out of bed and went over to Colbys desk.

It was an EVP session being played and it mentioned the number '17' again. Its been coming up a lot in the past and also Seth has it tattooed on his arm in black ink.

"Why does 17 keep coming up? Its either Im completely stupid or that its got a hidden meaning that we cant figure out." Colby says clicking a few things and I hand his headphones back to him.

"I dont know.. Im gonna go with the secret hidden meaning." I say leaning on his desk while looking at him.

Admiring him, actually.

The way his lower arm tattoo is perfectly intricate, The way his 'bad haircut' falls perfectly under his cap, The way his smile looks perfect.

I love it when he smiles, His smile is contagious. Whenever he smiles, I smile.

"Im gonna go get a drink. You want one?" I ask walking toward the door looking back and Colby.

"Yeah.. A whiteclaw please?" He asks

"Sure thing." I say walking out of the room. I walk down the stairs with a pip to my step.

I came into the kitchen and grabbed 2 white claws out of the fridge and a small bottle of gin. Probably the size of some airpods.

I carried the cans and the small bottle up to our room. It was then I noticed the silence in the house. It was weird to me. Normally theres some type of music playing faintly, But nothing. It was completely silent.

I tried to ignore it but it just felt off.

I came back into our room and Colby was now sat on a lovesack that was in the corner of our room.

"What happened to editing?" I ask surprised from the sudden change of seating.

"Ive done my part on the video. Its now over to Sam to finish it all up" He said looking up from his phone. He was now wearing a hoodie that hes got sponsored by. Its called Comfort or something. I mean for the price of them theyre worth it, I mean they are super comfy. Ive slept in Colbys multiple times.

"Alright." I said plopping down next to him on the lovesack and passed him his white claw, He placed down his phone and opened the can and took a few sips.

"What colour do you think I should get for my nails?" I ask Colby since Ive literally done every single design on the planet for my nails.

"What ever colour you want love." He said looking to me.

"Come on... just give me a colour. Anything! Literally anything." I say begging

"Fine uh... Red." He says taking another sip from his whiteclaw.

"Red it is then." I say going onto my phone and looking on pintrest to find a design I liked that had red in it and saved them to a nail board.

"We are going to a club tonight. Weve been in the house too much recently. We need to get out and socialise with other people." Colby says not taking his eyes off of his phone still scrolling through social media.

"Oh okay. Which club?" I ask

"Sam's choosing. Its his turn to pick which one we go to." He says turning off his phone and letting it fall onto his chest.

"Okay." I say going onto twitter and scrolling through my feed.

"Search up our names." Colby says, "I want to see what comes up."

I do as Im told and search

'Eden Montgomery and Colby Brock'

Straight away edits of us pop up.

I look at a few of them. I still find it so crazy how people are so talented of editing clips of 2 random people.

That instantly reminded me that Ive not recorded a youtube video in a while.

"Hold on." I say to Colby throwing my phone down onto the lovesack and shot up from the sack.

I got to my feet and went over to multiple shelves around the room to try find my camera.

I finally found it by a few books.

The book that it was right next to was a book by Charlotte Bronte. I never even knew Colby owned a book from Bronte.

I wiped off the dust from it and wiped the camera lense with my shirt.

I pulled out the view finder and hit record.

"Hey youtube, I havent recorded a video in MONTHS. But I think thats about to change.. Ive suddenly gotten motivation to record videos again for you guys. So here I am. Standing in our room.. Colbys sat behind me, Probably looking at my ass knowing him.. But besides that, We are going out to a club tonight and Im gonna bring you guys along with us. Its Sams pick on what club we go to but its fine, We are gonna have fun either way." I say to the camera, I cut the camera and look back to Colby.

"I was infact looking at your ass. How could I not?" He says laughing.

I roll my eyes playfully and walked over to him and forced his hand into mine so I could pull him up from the lovesack he had been lounging on.

I hit record on the camera again

"Here is the beautiful Colby brock, Since I know most people watch me to only see Colby in my videos but its what ever. If you want to see Colby in videos go to his own channel or even go to his and Sams channel you will see him every couple days soon with the release of hellweek." I say again to the camera and hit stop on it.

"What time are we going out?" I ask Colby

"8ish  I think." He says shrugging.

"4 Hours to get ready. On it." I say walking away from Colby but he tugs on my arm and pulls me into a hug.

"I love you." Colby says in a husky voice.

"I love you." I reply


Sorry for the really late upload on this story ive just had 0 time to write and come up with ideas because of me going back to school and drama that collides with school. Im hopefully gonna be uploading more since it is now a week long break before halloween.

but i hope you guys ate having a good day or night where ever you are but ily all so much.

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