Chapter 39: Ever more

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Its the beginning of November now, Colbys been making sure my arms are cleaned daily, He hasnt really left me alone. Hes been by my side for the past few days.

Its cute really, I want to know why hes like this, Hes always so protective of my mental health, He tries to make me happier and happier everyday.

I enjoy it. Its one of my favourite aspects of Colby. He cares so much.

"Hey Eden. What are you doing?" Colby asks coming into our room to grab his keys.

"Writing stuff down. Why?" I ask.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come shopping with me. Im going the mall. Do you want to come?" He asks

"Yeah sure. Let me get changed." I say closing my journal and walking over to our closet.

I pulled out some xplr sweatpants and then a long sleeve sweatshirt that just said Harvard on it. Cringey but its late at night so who is really going to see us?


We arrive at the mall after a half an hour drive and get out the car and walk into the mall. It was mostly empty but there was a few teenagers lingering around, Some in big groups and some in small groups.

"Where do you want to go first?" Colby asks.

"Uh.. I dont even know how much money Ive got on my card.. So probably Brandy or something." I say shrugging.

"If I ask you to come shopping with me, Im paying for it. I want to go versace so come on. You can get a few things from there aswell." Colby says taking his hand in mine.

We got to versace 10 minutes before it was going to shut so what ever we were gonna buy we had to make it quick. Ive been thinking about these Aevitas platform pumps. Theyre honestly so cute and chunky thats what I love about them.

I left Colby to do what he wanted to do and went and tried to find these heels. I found them eventually and called over a worker.

"Excuse me? Do you have these in a size 4?" I ask.

"I will check on the system. Just wait here." The woman says. Shes dressed in a all black slim skirt and a black dress shirt. Her hair is tied back into a slick bun and she has black sheer tights on with these 2 inch heels on, Black of course.

"Yes. We do. Would you like to purchase them?" I look around for Colby but he was busy choosing out different shirts with a versace worker with him.

"Uh, Yes please." I say and look around for a few other things that might catch my eye.

Luckily nothing caught my eye and Colby had finished up choosing out what he wanted.

"You got everything you wanted?" Colby asks coming up to the register to pay.

"Yep." I say.

"What did you pick out?" He asks

"Just some heels, Thats it." I say answering his question.

"Youve gotta show me when we get home." He says.

He pays and gets everything bagged up and we leave the store.

"Where next?" He asks taking my hand in his again. His hands felt warm, It was relaxing.

"I need a coat, Since its getting colder. I dont wanna be freezing. I left my coat in California with Keels because she adored the coat." I say.

"Lets go to Canada goose then." He says pulling me away from the versace store and leading me to another store.

"Colby!" We hear voices shout from somewhere else in the mall. We stop and look around and we spot 3 teenage girls running up to us from another side of the mall.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now