Chapter 43: Colby?

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I got woken up by our neighbours shouting, I roll over to check the time on my phone.


Can I not have a peaceful night sleep? I got out of bed and went to go refill my cup of water with new fresh water.

I went into our bathroom and turned on the light and poured the water down the drain in the sink and refilled my cup.

I took a sip of water and then looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't know what I was looking for but I just decided to keep looking at myself.

"No, Wren. Please!" Colby said. I was confused.

I turn back into our room and Colbys there mumbling and talking to himself.

"Colby?" I ask to see if hes awake.

No response.

"Wren. Come on! Dont be like that." Colby says again in his sleep. Hes obviously dreaming of Wren. I wonder what hes dreaming about with Wren in it. Ive stopped trying to figure out who Wren is, But she was clearly a big part of his life.

"Colby?" I ask again. Im still waiting for a response.

I walked over to the bed and sat down on the bed next to him. His faced was all scrunched up and it looked like his face was in distress.

I touched Colbys hand and rubbed my fingers on his palm. He jolted awake at my touch.

"Eden?" He asks, I could tell he was still asleep by the way his words were slurring.

"Yes, Im here. You were having a bad dream." I said in a soothing voice. Colby looked confused.

"Oh, Okay." He said placing his head back down on his pillow and closed his eyes. He fell back asleep almost instantly. I got up off of the bed and turned off the bathroom light and got back into bed. I got myself comfortable and in a matter of moments I had fallen asleep.


I woke up, It was bright outside so I knew I had slept in a little bit, I got up out of bed and sat at my vanity. I started doing my skin prep for my make up and then applied my make up. I havent done a full face of make up in a while so I had kinda gotten used to just wearing natural make up. It was weird to see me all glammed up again.

I got changed into a pair of black cargos and put on a black thong so it would lie on my hips and my cargos just underneath the sides of my thong. I put on a black cropped tank top that was tight fitting and came up high on my neck.

I sorted out the last few bits of myself and went downstairs to make myself something to eat since my stomach was rumbling massively. I got downstairs and had seen all the christmas decorations Sam and Katrina put up last night. It looked really good honestly. It looked like our own little winter wonderland.

It was coming up to me and Colbys 1 year anniversary and 1 year of meeting eachother, Its kinda weird how its not even been a year since we met and I already packed up all my things in California to come live with him, Kat and Sam in Las Vegas. Crazy.

I was looking at nice dinners for us to go to for our one year anniversary. I found a good restaurant but its seemed really expensive. I didnt want Colby to pay for all the meal, We have spent the whole year together, We should atleast split the bill and leave a good tip.

Ive found a place called SW Steakhouse, Yeah they sell stakes but theres a lot of other things they sell, Like seafood and a load of other expensive shit.

I walked into the kitchen and found the ingredients to make waffles since I brought my waffle maker from me and Keels apartment in California.

I made the batter and started pouring my waffles. I prefer waffles over pancakes any day.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now