Chapter 50: Ever Happy

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music at the top * smut in this chapter also

7/14/23 11:23am

Im sat here in a studio chair with my hair in rollers all over my head while Taissa my make up artist did my wedding make up. She had put powder all on my face to set in my make up to stop it from running. I had less than 3 hours until I walked down the aisle. My heart kept racing each time I thought about it. I felt so nervous. Would married life work out? Will stuff completely change once I was married? They were questions nobody knew the answers to. I hated how my questions weren't getting answered.

I kept looking over to my dress that was in a big bag that had a zip on the front of it being held on a railing. I kept looking out to the venue. Our venue was at a big manor house, The ballroom was all set up for our reception, We had chairs all layed out on the grass and I could see people outside through the window that I was sat near. The sun was beaming down here in Kansas. It felt suitable to get married in Kansas since that was were Colby and I grew up.

"Getting cold feet?" Taissa asks me while brushing off the powder underneath my eyes.

"A little.. Yeah." I say opening my phone to look at recent tweets that had me mentioned in them. They were mostly fans saying how excited they were for Colby and I to get married. I am excited, Really excited. I cant wait to get married, But I wasnt expecting to get married at 24. Ive just not really ever seen people get married at this age.

"Its alright, I remember that feeling. It all works out in the end Eden. Don't you worry." Taissa says as she sprayed setting spray over my face.

I got out of the chair and stood there in my cotton robe with my blue garter on my mid thigh for my 'something blue'

"Oh Eddie Bear! You look gorgeous!" My mom says standing up from the couch in the fitting room and came over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you mom." I say hugging her back trying not to smudge my make up on her floral dress.

"Are you sure Liam is okay with walking me down the aisle?" I ask. I knew hes alright with it, He even offered to do it. I just wanted to keep my mind at ease. Loads of thoughts were rushing through my head.

"Yes darling, You have asked me this 4 times today." My mom says and she holds me firmly on the shoulders.

"Okay, Its just my head is going crazy." I say sighing.

Before my mom could respond Keeley comes bursting through the fitting room door in her bridesmaids dress. It was a light pink and it was silk, One half of the front of the dress was longer than the other, It came up high on her thigh and then to the bottom of her knee.

"Shit, Sorry." She says looking at what she just interrupted. Her hair was amazing, Her blonde locks were all tied back with the flower babys breath pinned throughout her messy but neat tied up bun. It looked gorgeous.

"Keels, You look amazing." I say.

"You look stunning Eden, Oh my god." She says and comes into hug me. Keeley actually looked flawless. Im surprised Im getting married before Keeley is.

"Do you want to put on your dress Eden?" Taissa asks me and unzips the bag and shows me the dress I was about to put on.

"Yes, I do." I say and I took off my robe and slid into the plain silk dress that had a long train behind it. I felt amazing each time I put it on. The neckline came down low but not too low to the point it went onto my stomach, It came to just above my breasts and had thin straps. It was everything I wanted, Plain and simple but able to make a statement.

music situated at the top of the chapter

I stood with Liam in this area of trees that shielded us from all the guests of the wedding. I hadnt seen Colby and Colby hadnt seen me.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now