Chapter 16: 25th

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I was getting ready. My hair was in rollers scattered all over my head since I always had my hair straight I decided I would do something else.

I put on my dress and heels and touched up the last of my make up. I packed my bag by putting my phone charger, mascara, lipgloss, money, my bank card, plasters in case I get blisters at the end of the night and my birth control since I knew I wouldnt be coming home tonight.

"Come on! Sams outside! Hes waiting!" Keeley says bursting into my room while I was just strapping on my heels.

"Yes, Yes! Okay! Lets go!" I put the small gift I had gotten Colby into my bag and left my bedroom and took the elevator down to the ground floor.

We got into the car and Sam was in a white dress shirt and black skinny jeans. Kat was obviously wearing her dress and she looked stunning.

"Hey guys!" I say getting into the car and putting my seatbelt on.

Me and Keels were sat in the back and Sam and Kat were obviously sat in the front.

"Lets go!" Sam says and pulls the car away from the curb and starts driving.

Kat starts playing the radio and 'Blow' By Ke$ha starts playing.

We all start getting hyped up and while I was in the car I start to take my hair rollers out. I fluff my hair about abit and I look to Keeley for her approval.

"Gorgeous Eden!" Keeley shouts over the music. He hug and start singing along to the song.

"This place about to blow!" We all shout. We start jumping in our seats ready for this fucking surprise party for Colby.


We got to the club and we all got out of the car. We took pictures outside the club and We enter the club.

Colby was supposed to arrive in 20 minutes so during that time we all went to the bar and bought drinks.

I ordered a martini to get the night started and I honestly cant remember what Sam, Kat and Keeley ordered.

We sat down in a booth and people started to arrive. Our booth was reserved for us and had a black velvet rope tying us off from everybody else. It felt like luxury.


"Everybody hide! Colbys outside!" Sam shouts over the loud music. The club goes silent. Everybody started ducking and hiding behind chair and stools.

He walked in and we all shouted


He looked shocked at how many people came to celebrate his birthday. He was in a purple dress shirt and black slacks.

We made our way out of the booth and went over to Colby.

Multiple happy birthdays were shared and when it was my turn I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back instantly.

"Happy birthday Cole." I say with a sweet smile. He kisses my lips quickly and says

"Thank you Eden." He lets go of me and I take his hand in mine. We walk back over to the booth and Colby orders a 'Tom Collins'

They bring over his drink and takes a sip and shouts.

I giggle at him.

Our hands were still intertwined under the table

I whisper into his ear so he could hear me over the extremely loud music

"I got you something!"

He turns to me and I look into my bag. I pull out the little box and gave it to him.

"Open it!" I shout

He takes off the ribbon covering the box and opens it.

It was a silver ring with the letter E on it. Standing for Eden. Durrrhhhh

"I love it. Thank you." He pulls me into a hug and slips the ring on. It had the date we got together etched on the inside which he noticed. He pulls me into another hug and kisses my forehead.


Time goes by and it was now 12 am. The party was still going. People coming up and saying happy birthday to Colby happened every once in a while.

I made a special request for them to play one of my favourite songs.

'Slow Down' By chase atlantic started playing.

"Come on! Lets go dance!" I say to the group and we all leave the booth. We made our way onto the dance floor

"Tell me what it is you wanna know!" I sing along to the song. I dance with Colby. His hands fall to my hips and we were now dancing in unison.

"Your buried in the pillow yeah your so loud!" I sing. Colby grind at the lyrics.

He whispers into my ear.

"Like you then isnt it?" My face blushes at his words. He couldnt see because of the low purple strobe lights that were going off.

"Slow down, Slow Down!" I sing. I put my hands on Colbys shoulders. My hands find their way into Colbys hair and we continue dancing together.

I didnt care who saw us. It was just Him and I in this room that mattered to me.

I look around to find Tara and Jake dancing together. Keeley was dancing with this random guy she met and I knew it was one of Sam and Colbys friends.

We carried on dancing to the song until it finished.

After it finished we went back to the booth just me and Colby. Everybody else stayed on the dance floor partying away.

This was a good night. One of the best nights of my life so far Along with the best people in my life.

I sit on Colbys lap and play with the buttons on his shirt. It wasnt buttoned all the way up and was only tucked in at the front. I kept unbuttoning and buttoning one button.

"Having fun?" Colby asks bringing me out of my day dream.

"Mmm. Yeah." I say bringing my hands up to the back of his neck.

The alcohol was making my head a little woozy but other than that I was having a great time. If this what being friends with Sam and Colby meant, Im 110% down for it.

"The alcohol hasnt even hit you yet has it?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"It has. But not as much as its hitting you." I giggle at his response. I pull my hand up to my mouth and quickly get off of Colbys lap and make a B-Line to the bathroom.

I get into a cubical and puke my guts up. Problem with not being able to handle loads of alcohol.

Atleast I'll bareley have a hang over in the morning. I wipe my mouth after Im finished puking.

I wash my hands and leave the restroom and go back to the booth. Everybody was now back in the booth drinking.

I sat down next to Colby and placed my head on his shoulder.

"I just puked up all my drinks." I say defeatedly. Colby brushes my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear.

"Ill order you some water." Colby says and waves over a waiter.

He talks to the waiter but my eyes were heavy. I closed them for a moment and just like that I was asleep.


I feel a nudge wake me up and It was Colby. He hands me a water and I take it and sip some of it.

Time flew by in literal seconds and it was now 3 am. People were starting to leave and we decided it would be best to leave also. We got 3 ubers back to Sam and Colbys house and all got ready for bed. I just decided to sleep in my underwear since I couldnt be arsed changing.

Colby climbed into bed beside me and kissed my forehead. I turned to face the wall and Colby started to spoon me. His warmth was all I needed. If a eternal winter hit the earth all I would need is Colby to stay warm.

I fell asleep shortly after.

Goodnight Colby.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now