Chapter 11: Waking

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I woke up still on Colbys chest in a a naked embrace. I moved away from Colbys chest to check my phone and most importantly the time. In doing so I realised how much my thighs hurt and my wrist hurt. I looked at my wrists and they were slightly bruised.

He held my wrists down that hard?

I got phone from off my charger and checked the time. It was only 9 am so I wasnt fussed on staying in bed a bit longer. I then felt an arm snake around my torso and pull me closer to Colby.

"Colby!" I giggle.
"What?" He says groggily.
"Nothing. Just making sure your awake. Its just gone 9 am."
"hmm." he says probably still half asleep.
"what?" I say now leaning on his chest and facing him.

His eyes slowly open to reveal the amazing blue colour I couldnt get enough of.

"Your gorgeous Eden." Colby says brushing hair out of my face with his finger.
"Your handsome Mr Colby Brock."
He chuckles and I giggle at what I just said.
"Come on. We gotta get something to eat." I say slipping out of Colbys grip and putting on his shirt which was like a fucking dress on me.

"Noo.. Stay in bed." Colby groans.
"Come onn!" I say climbing back onto the bed and ruffling Colbys hair.

"Hey! Dont mess my hair up. Its what attracts the fans." He says cockily.
"Hmm I bet it is. Come on!"

I get up off of the bed and chuck Colby his boxers and he slips them on and then I chuck him his jeans. He looks me up and down.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing. You look good in my shirt." I blush at him. I put my head down now facing the floor so he couldnt see me blushing. Who knew Colby Brock could be such a charmer?

He chuckles and gets up and we leave the bedroom. I see Keeley in the kitchen and I stop immediately in my tracks.

"Eden! My parents are here. They wanted to come see you before the holidays."
I nod and look around the corner and see her parents sitting on the couch.

"Hey." I say to her parents. Im like a second daughter they never had.

Colby comes stumbling out of my room at the worst time. He realises what he did and he immediately goes wide eye at all the people in me and Keeleys apartment.

"Uhm. Eden, Whats Colby doing in our apartment? Shirtless may I add?"

"Uhm. We were up talking all night last night he had a bit to drink and I told him it would be fine if he stayed the night. No harm done."

I give a reassuring smile to Keeley but she wasnt buying it. She gave me a cheeky smirk because she knew exactly what we did last night without me even having to tell her.

Keeleys parents got up and hugged me and Colby.

"So Eden? Is this your new boyfriend? I dont even know why you broke up with Elijah! He seemed like a nice boy." Keeleys mom,Steff said.

I could see the anger grow on Colbys face.

I chuckle slightly.
"Uhm no. Hes not my boyfriend Steff." I respond.

"Awh. Shame. He's really tall dont you think? I mean Eden your like 5'4"? Hes got to be atleast 6 foot!"
"Ahah. Yeah."
"5'11" actually. Not much off of 6 foot." Colby responds.
"Well just round it up and tell everybody your 6 foot!" Steff laughs.

"Uhm well. We best get going. I was just here to get a few essentials but they insisted on saying hi." Keeley says.
Steff and Jim nod. Jim was a good guy. He was pretty similar to Keeley. Keeley gets her looks from her gorgeous mom and gets her personality from her dad, Honestly I wouldnt have it any other way.

We said our goodbyes and as soon as the door shut I whacked Colby on the arm playfully.
"What?" He laughs and I join in.
"Oh is he your boyfriend?" I mock and laugh.

We get some toasted bagels and go back into my room. We flick on the tv and try and find something to watch.

Colbys phone rings and he answers.

silence filled the room
"Ugh. Yes fine. Ill be there shortly."
he hangs up and looks at me.
"It was Sam. He wants to go out for something to eat with him and Kat."
"Third wheeling then?" I ask
"Mhm. Yep. Just great." He says sarcastically.

He gets up from the bed and motions for me to give him his shirt.

"Bra's are in the top drawer along with underwear. Pass me some before you get this."

He groans and goes over to my drawers and gets out some underwear and chucks it at me. I slip on the underwear and awkwardly put on the bra. I pull the shirt over my head and give it to him.

"You do know I did see you naked last night." Colby says jokingly.
"Uhm. Well yeah. But we cant do that again Colby. No matter how amazing it was we cant. What if our friends find out. I mean Keeley wouldve already figured it out. She may be blonde but shes not stupid."
"Your saying you regret it?" Colby asks anxiously waiting for my response.
"No? Yes? Fuck what am I meant to say Colby?"
"I dont regret it." Colby responds
"Well you do realise I do have my own shit to deal with in my life and I cant just be one of your fuck buddies. I need something more than that."

A frown grows on Colbys face.

"Fine then Eden."

He leaves my room and shortly after I hear the front door open and shut.

I groan. Why the fuck do I have to screw things up for myself? We were perfectly fine! Now we are just gonna be awkward but have memories from last night. I wasnt thinking straight last night, It doesnt mean I regret it. Ive got a lot of shit going on and I dont want to ruin myself and possibly Colby if we actually get together.

I run to look out my window and I see Colby getting into his car. He does one more look up to my window and He sees me. I give him a small wave and he just nods and gets into his car and drives off.

"Fuck! Shitt!!!" I scream. "Why do I have to do this to myself? I let boys in but fucking push them away any chance I get!" I groan loudly.

I dont know what the fuck to do with myself. The first thing that comes to mind is texting Colby.

E: I dont regret it.

I wanted to say it to his face. I could tell he has been through a lot of disappointment in his life and I didnt want to make him feel like that.

Shit am I catching feelings? I cant be. It will fuck up everything. Ill destroy Colby. I cant do that to him.

I checked the message to see that it was read at 9:43 am.

Fuck! Why do I do this every time?

I scream at myself mentally and try take my mind off of Colby and last might but I just cant.

My bed feels cold without him, I miss the way his touch feels like electricity on my skin, I miss the way he makes me forget about all my worries.

Shit. I think I might be falling for him.

Authors Note:

So eden might be falling for colby?

does colby feel the same?

Sorry for the small chapter I just didnt want to leave youse with nothing about the day after.

Anyways have a good day/night xx

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now