Chapter 21: Alone

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It's been 3 days since I decided to go on a break with Colby. My mental health was worsening. I couldn't stand being like this. Colby was in Kansas with Sam seeing their parents. Keeley was out with Jake. So I was alone in the apartment.

I was severely bored.

I decided to just scroll on social media.

Colby had posted that he was in Kansas on his insta story. I replied to his story

have fun 🖤

a couple moments later he texted back

it would be better if you were here.

I wish I was there.

i wish you were here Colby. im missing you.

I desperately need to see my parents soon. Its been too long.

I went online and looked at flights to Kansas. I found a couple.

One was for $150 dollars for a ticket there plus baggage and a ticket back 2 days later.

I booked the flight. The flight was tomorrow. I really didnt plan this through.

I texted Keeley

Eden: Sorry to interrupt you and Jake hanging out but i'm going to Kansas tomorrow x

missing you too my love

Colby texted back on instagram

I knew he was hurting.

Im going to Kansas tomorrow to see my parents we can meet if you want

I texted back.

I carried on scrolling on different social medias. It got boring after a while.

I decided I would pack for Kansas. Its still gonna be cold since it is the middle of January.

I packed plenty of sweaters and hoodies, underwear, make up, shower stuff, shoes, and a couple pair of pants.

That should be good enough.

I looked at the time when I finished packing. It was 8 pm. I wasnt gonna text my parents that I was coming to see them I wanted it to be a surprise. It would be cute surprise.

I showered and changed into some comfy pyjamas. I did my skin care and put my hair into a loose bun.

I got into bed and turned on my led lights to a blue colour.

I plugged in my phone and finally took the moment to move my freshly shaved legs in my blanket. This is literal heaven.

Keeley still wasnt back yet but she had read my message.

I dont know whats going on with her. Shes been a bit off with me for a couple days and I dont know why. We were fine when we went shopping. I guess I will find out when I next see her.

I double checked the time for my flight and it was at 8am. Which means i have to get up at 6 and get to the airport by 7.

Oh well.

I dimmed my lights and shut my eyes and swiftly fell asleep.


My alarm woke me up rudely but I didnt mind that much since I was going to go see my parents. I was lowkey excited.

I got ready, ate breakfast and brushed my teeth, got into some comfy clothes to wear on the plane and called an uber.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now