Chapter 32: Vegas

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Its been a month since the wedding. Me and Keeley decided it would be best to just continue with out own channels since I moved out to Vegas with Colby, Sam and Katrina.

Its been amazing living with Colby. Better than I even imagined.

Its August and my favourite song at the moment is an unreleased song by Chase Atlantic, Its called August. Its ironic because of the month we are in.

Ive been into reading lately. Me and Colby have had nights were we just read different books to each other.

Its great.

Keeley decided to sell our apartment and get an apartment with just one room so it would be cheaper for her.
I dont blame her, apartments in LA are expensive.

There were a few things to still unpack but the house is really coming together. We've fully unpacked Colby and I's room. Its got Colbys bed and different aspects of mine around the room.

We have our own walk in closet in his room.

Half is his and half is mine

I added drawers to the bottom of each others half so we would have more storage space.

We do plan on getting it into an actual wardrobe but for now its perfect.

Ive started writing my own songs.

Ive currently only got one song written down. Colby helped me write it obviously since hes got his own song 'Skin'

My song is called 'Self Sabotage.'

I think it really correlates with how my life has gone and how its going.

Ive also started a small little diary.

I mostly forget to write in it but I do sometimes.

"Hey." Colbys voice behind me takes my attention from my diary.

"Hey babe." I reply closing the diary and turning around to find him.

He was walking down the stairs. He looked excited about something

He rushes down the stairs and jumps onto the couch next to me

"Guess what?" He says looking around

"What?" I ask

"Me and Sam are going to start filming for hell week." He says

That reminds me, Last time it was Hell Week I was a fan of Sam and Colby. Never in a million years would I ever think me and Colby would be dating and I would be living with him.

"So.. Where are you going for it?" I ask curiously putting my hands into his hair.

"Its a secret." He says

I groan.

"Why cant I know? Its not like Im going to tell everybody." I say gripping Colbys hair in both of my fists. I tug on it lightly.

"Ow!" He said laughing. His laugh was addictive to me.

"Stop lying. You know you like it." I smirk bringing my hands down onto Colbys cheeks.

"Your so perfect Eden." He says. He always floods me with compliments.

I really do love him.

"I love you." I say to him.

"I love you." He says bringing his face closer to mine.

Our lips brush. We were fighting for the air between us.

I peck my lips lightly on his.

He puts his hand on my jaw and deepens the kiss.

Ill never get over what he does to me, He makes me feel perfect, He makes me feel like Im enough, He makes me know my worth.

My Tainted Heart // Colby Brock - Healed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now