All I Needed Was Milk

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I rolled out of bed feeling starved. Jim lay sprawled out on the comforter fast asleep. His little rugged body was contorted in a strange position. The way cats slept in such strange positions always fascinated me. Standing, I walked over to my closet and flipped on the light. I felt like wearing something a little different for my trip to the store, but I inevitably went with my usual black hoodie and leggings combo. 

My keys and wallet sat in their usual spot on my desk. As I picked them up I looked at my computer monitor. My current recon job would be done in about 30 minutes, giving me plenty of time to go to the store. Pulling the charging cord from my phone, I bent down to kiss Jim on the head.

"I'll be back soon, buddy." I whispered to the tired feline.

Sliding on my boots, I checked that my knife was in its place. My backpack was already empty which made my day that much easier. I made sure my door was locked before starting my journey to the store. I'd thought about taking my Sian to the store, but the weather was nice enough to walk.

I lived in a more run-down area of the city. It was packed with villains and neutrals like myself. You had to be careful of where you walked, if you let your guard slip you'd find yourself in the morgue in no time. Other than the constant worry of getting mugged the neighborhood was fairly nice. Most residents kept to themselves and didn't make too much of a fuss. 

Once I got to the store I grabbed a basket. All I needed was milk, but I liked to treat Jim to a nice meal when I did leave the house. So, I went to the butcher's section of the store and waited for my friend. 

"Yuki, how nice to see you!" Teris greeted me kindly. "I assume Jim is getting the usual."

"Make it a half pound today." I smiled, leaning forward against the large glass display case. "I pulled in a big job and he was a big help."

"Somebody has to keep your lap warm." The large dark skinned man laughed. "I'll get his tuna skinned and prepped for ya."

Teris was a nice guy, he was also one of the few people that knew what work I did. I was a freelance hacker. Most of my work was black market jobs. My clientele was mainly villains and criminals looking for details on people and places. I kept pretty low on the radar for safety's sake. My computer was custom-built and packed with any kind of protection you could think of. There wasn't a single person out there capable of tracking me down. Well, it was either they couldn't or nobody tried. 

The way I handled business was pretty uninvolved. I'd usually get data-collecting jobs that took an hour or so to complete. My usual process was; accept a job, weasel into whatever servers I needed, use programs to find the information needed, let my computer gather the information, and send it to the customer. The fun jobs were the ones that got me involved. I'd set up a messaging system that was untraceable for either end. If a client was looking to get past security or barriers I'd get into the system of the destination and wait for the signal. After that, they'd do their little deed while I'd listen to reporters and police chase their tails for days over how some low-level thugs got past security. 

"Here ya go, love." Teris sat the paper-wrapped fillets on the top of the case for me and took my card.

"Thanks, Teris" I replied as I slid my purchase into my backpack.

He returned with my card and another piece of packaged meat. "This one is a gift." He smiled as he handed me my card and the surprise.

"You didn't have to do that." I said, shaking my head. "You know I'll gladly pay for my boy's food."

"That ain't for Jim." He replied happily. "That's some wagyu for yourself." 

I gasped. "Teris!" 

"Ah, now no complainin' lil miss!" He laughed. "Go on now! Jim will be waking up soon."

Rolling my eyes, I gave Teris a smile and wave. "Thanks again."

Nights in the neighborhood were honestly quite an experience. The clubs would open up and these quiet streets would become a party. Most times I'd take the main road, but the sound of gunshots immediately changed my route. The only option was a dark alley that was thankfully empty... or so I thought.

"Hey, little lady." A voice came from behind me. It belonged to a man, one that sounded like he'd been enjoying a night out. 

"Ya shouldn' be walkin' the alleys by ya'self." Another slurred.

I kept my eyes forward and my hood up. They must have watched me walk into this alley and thought they'd catch a quick piece. 

"Don't ignore us, little bitch!" A third added.

If I had to use my quirk I'd be stretched a bit thin. Three was my max.

"I don' think ya heard me." The third voice was directly behind me. 

Quickly turning around, I found myself in an even worse situation. There were five men. I threw my bag to the side, preparing for a fight. Activating my quirk I immobilized the three closest and drew my knife. I slashed the throat of the one that had been preparing to grab me and focused on another one. The fifth seemed to be confident in his abilities. His eyes scanned over me darkly as his face pulled into a sickening grin. Numbers two and three went down with ease, but as I was about to go for number four I was punched in the back. A teleportation quirk? 

"Get on the ground." The fifth growled, roughly shoving me to the ground. 

"Now, gentleman." A low voice approached from the direction I'd previously been walking as a blue light lit up the alley. "You should let the poor girl have a fair fight." 

"I know you." The fourth gasped.

"No, ya don't" The low voice replied before I felt an extreme amount of heat flash over me.

I tucked my head down to avoid whatever was going on, but by this point, I had a pretty good idea as to what was going on. 

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