Something To Live For

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After much debate, the three of us decided to watch a movie. Dabi had been out for snacks while Tomura took some time to be alone and take a shower. I'd been laying on the couch, watching the Natural Habitat channel's special on penguins. Penguins were not the most interesting creatures, but they were fun to watch.

My phone alerted me that news channel 27 was about to report on All For One's situation. Picking up the remote, I changed the channel to see what was being said. Tomura walked in, fresh out of the shower, only wearing sweatpants.

"Today we have breaking news regarding the villain mastermind known as All For One." Teno, the news reporter, announced. "The Hero Commission and Committee of Justice have been investigating this case since before the villain's apprehension, but today the world will be put at ease. After gathering evidence and months of interrogation, it has been decided that All For One will be sentenced to death."

I clicked off the tv before I stood. Something in me knew that this wasn't a good time to use touch as comfort. Perhaps it was the fact that Tomura wasn't wearing gloves.

Tomura was fuming. "Death!" He shrieked. "They are going to kill my master! Who do they think they are?! Master cannot simply be killed! He needs to keep guiding me! He has to see the day that I win the game for him!" As he turned to me I saw seething hatred in his eyes. "We have to go get master!" He started scratching his neck vigorously.

"Maybe it is for the best." I tried to convince him. "You'll be better off without him." Part of me wanted to grab his wrists, but it didn't seem like a good idea.

"Take it back!" Tomura yelled, walking to me as his muscles tensed.

Shaking my head, I simply said. "No."

His hand roughly grabbed my neck, his middle finger barely hovering over my skin. "I told you to take it back!"

Trying to remove his hand from my neck only made him put down his middle finger. Neither of us realized what had happened until I winced in pain. Tomura yanked his hand away quickly as his anger turned to horror. The decay wasn't spreading, but there was a full two fingers' worth of skin missing. It wasn't a deep wound, but I stung horribly. My body vibrated with pain and anger.

"I don't fucking understand, Tomura!" I yelled as tears poured from the corners of my eyes. This was becoming fucking stupid. "He was fucking using you! You were a game piece in All For One's eyes! He never loved you! He was grooming you to be the perfect successor!" Tomura's eyes held immense pain. "What he was doing wasn't out of the kindness of his fucking heart! He took your hate and made it your driving force when he should have been showing you that people can be kind!" The pangs of agony that went through my heart nearly brought me to my knees. "You need to let him go! He never loved you! Please!" I begged desperately, clutching my chest. "Just live for yourself! You need to live for yourself! You need to try to accomplish your dreams! Not All For One's dreams, Tomura, yours!" My body trembled terribly as the spot on my neck stung. My voice and heart dropped to brokenness. "Even if he was worth saving, I can't get into Tartarus's system! Going into a mission like that would ensure that you'd never see me again! We'd be captured and imprisoned, is that what you want?!" My body was completely fired up. In my state of healing, this was causing horrendous pain. "Just know, no matter what it is you decide to do, I will always be there beside you. If you ever decide to take the lead on your own I'll follow you." Kneeling, I sat on the floor. "Because even if you decide to move on from me, even if I have to love you from afar, I'll always love you. I will always love you, Tomura Shigaraki."

"Then I will live for your dreams." Tomura whispered, kneeling in front of me. "You're not just my player two, you're my goddess, my princess, my guiding light, the voice of reason when the pain and anger take over." His arms slowly pulled my sobbing form against him as his voice became frantic. "I've been so stupid. While you've been my healer I've been ignoring your love and admiring the poison that has been debuffing me. You never had to love me, you chose to do that on your own. I am leaving All For One behind me. I love you so much. I will always love you, Yuki Hara." Drops fell to the floor, bringing my attention to Tomura's tear-filled eyes. "I've been taking your love for granted. I've been basking in the glow of your light without so much as a thank you. I don't deserve you. I'll never be worthy of your love." His voice caught for a moment. "Please forgive me for mistreating you all of this time."

My hands shook as I tried to hold onto Tomura. He lifted me carefully and carried me to the spare bathroom. As he sat me on the counter I tried to calm my sobbing. The world around me felt completely jumbled. All of my thoughts were scattered through my brain. It didn't make sense how Tomura couldn't see how little that shit bag cared for him. When he'd talk about AFO all I could think of was how he'd deserved so much better.

"Baby," Tomura whispered gently. Shaking, I looked up into his eyes. Tears fell down his cheeks slowly. "I'm sorry." He brushed his thumb across my cheek slowly. "Where are my gloves?"

"Dryer." Was all I could get out.

With a nod, Tomura walked out of the bathroom. The cool counter felt amazing against my burning skin. Being that worked up was causing my temperature to rise. I was able to turn enough to see the mark on the right side of my neck. There was never a time when I'd been scared of Tomura, but this mark did cause a slight feeling of discomfort within me.

When he returned Tomura was wearing his gloves. He looked deeply guilty as he got out the first aid kit. My body was still shaking from our fight. Never had I felt so emotionally unstable before then. Slowly, Tomura reached toward my neck to apply healing ointment. My body involuntarily jerked away causing him to pull his hand back. The discomfort I felt had turned to a faint sense of fear. All I wanted now was to lay in bed and hide from the world.

Trying again, Tomura slowly reached up toward my neck. This time I was able to sit still. Once my neck had been bandaged up I decided I no longer wanted to watch a movie. I tried to get to my feet, but my knees were weak. Almost falling, I caught the counter while simultaneously pushing away Tomura's hands. He stared for a moment, a pained expression fixed on his features.

Shakily, I walked to our room, closing the door behind me. Our bed felt comforting, cradling my shaken form. The blanket kept me warm, but I didn't feel safe. No, it was nothing like being cuddled up to him. Nothing made me feel as comfortable as having Tomura in my arms, but at that moment I couldn't handle having him so close.

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