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Dabi's instructions were clear, make Hawks believe he was necessary to our cause. For safety reasons we'd sent Dabi to a phone booth. This whole situation made me uneasy, but we had to know where Hawks's loyalty laid. Was he on our side or was he using us?

Nearly as soon as the call with Dabi ended a new call was made. This call was to none other than the hero commission office. Tears flooded my eyes as I listened to the conversation. This son of a bitch wasn't a rat, he was a fucking snake. My body started to tremble with overwhelming anger. What do you say you come visit me when I get some free time? I'd be visiting Hawks, but it wasn't for comfort. I sent the recorded call to Dabi and looked back to Tomura.

"I'm going to go get this bastard." I growled.

Tomura's unamused expression was more than permission. In my drawer I'd been keeping quirk suppressants just for this very occasion. Having a reason to use them hurt, but nothing would hurt more than having our dreams, our perfect future, ripped from us. My gun was holstered in my waistband in a way that perfectly concealed it. I whipped out my phone and called Hawks. 

"Hey!" The traitor answered happily.

I let myself cry, but traded the anger for despair. "Keigo," I sobbed, "I need to see you as soon as possible. Do you think you could meet me at the warehouse?"

"I'll head there now." He replied seriously. "Are you ok?"

"We can talk about it at the warehouse." I sniffled. "I don't want to talk about it over the phone."

"Ok, I'll be there in 5." He responded before hanging up.

My next call was to Kurogiri for a portal to the warehouse. He said he'd be right down in a second. Tomura hugged me tight, running his fingers through my hair.

"I don't want to kill him, Tomura." I stated dejectedly.

"Why not?" He questioned blandly.

"I believe his values follow that of the league." I explained as I stepped back. "Allow me to try to convince him that we are on the same side. If I can't I'll be the one to remove him from the game."

Tomura didn't seem pleased by my desire to keep Hawks alive, but he still agreed to my terms. Getting back into character, I geared up with a mic and an earpiece. Kurogiri opened the portal without a word. 

Walking into the warehouse, I'd arrived just in time to see the bird land. His eyes fixed to me, filled with concern. He rushed over, taking me in his arms. The smell of his cologne almost lulled me into a sense of comfort.

"Bad day?" He asked softly.

Tears streamed down my face. "An awful day." I answered through a broken voice. 

He pulled a small box from his pocket and handed it to me. "I'm sorry I couldn't have been there the night that Jim died." I opened the box to see a silver cat pendant with red wings and a golden halo. Jim's name was engraved on a small heart charm. "I got that made the morning after he died."

Heartbreak overcame me in a crushing wave. How the hell was I supposed to deal with him after something like this? No. He was a threat to my family. Closing the box, I slid it into my pocket and activated my quirk on him. 

"What the fuck, Keigo?" I spoke with anger and heartache. My eyes met his frozen expression. "What the actual fuck?" Rage started to take over. "Do you think they would've let me worn this in Tartarus? Do you actually give a single fuck?" I pulled out my phone and played the recorded call. "Because here it sounds like I'm some kind of goal to be met for a fucking pat on the back. Don't worry our boss, my boyfriend, has already agreed to let me keep my pet bird as long as it is caged," I pulled out a quirk suppressant, forcing him to hold up his arm, "and as long as I clip its wings." Plunging the needle into his arm, I let him speak.

Keigo's face twisted into a look of defeat. "I guess we both were pretending to be what the other wanted." He whispered. "So, you're not going to kill me? Just take my quirk and keep me locked up? Seems quite tame for a villain."

"You know what hurt the most?" I snapped. "I thought that we could've been friends. I really thought that you cared."

"I did care." Tears built in the corners of his eyes. "Since meeting you I wondered if I really was on the right side of things. I guess now I'll get to watch from a cell and see."

Leaning my head to the side my mic was on, I spoke. "Kurogiri, holding room one should suffice for now." The portal opened behind me. "Thank you."

I walked Keigo through the portal and into the holding room. It had a table with a chair, an airlock type entry, a bed, a bathroom, and off the radar observation designed by me. The window that separated the holding room from the observation room was designed for explosive type quirk observation, but with scheduled doses of quirk suppressant there was no real worry of him escaping.

"I know it's not a luxury penthouse, but you'll be living here until we make a final decision." I explained. I sat him in the chair and kept a close watch on him. "We'll wait like this for Dabi to get back with your new clothes."

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