The Same Boat

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"There's a chest over this way." I informed Shigaraki.

His forehead scrunched. "How can you tell?"

I giggled. "Look at all of the traps." I replied happily.

Jim flopped down in Shigaraki's lap causing him to fall victim to one of the traps. He groaned in annoyance and started scratching his neck. The sound reminded me of someone scratching sandpaper. If he kept it up he'd end up peeling his skin. Surely his neck was becoming raw.

"Stop." I ordered, grabbing his wrists. "You're going to hurt yourself. I'll be right back. Just wait here."

I quickly prepared tea and went to my bathroom. In the skin care drawer was a high end moisturizer that I'd gotten after a bad reaction to some shitty laundry detergent. Lavender tea would help with his stress too. My hope was to help him without being scolded.

When I returned Shigaraki was sitting exactly how I'd left him. His tea was still too hot to drink, so it went on my nightstand. I sat down beside him with the jar of moisturizer in my hand. He seemed confused by it, so I handed it to him.

"I can put it on for you." I offered. "It's easy to use too much."

He turned to face me silently. I pulled his hair back with the black spiral hair tie I kept on my wrist. His expression remained blank as he watched me. There was a sort of calmness that filled the air as I put the moisturizer on his face and neck.

"Why do you want to be a villain?" Shigaraki's words left him softly.

I kept my focus on applying the remedy to his skin. "Heroes say they want freedom and happiness, but tell us not to use our quirks without a license. It seems stupid to me. Now they are adding more idiotic rules to a place they agreed to leave alone. Nothing about what is going on is free. I want to see a change in how things are ran." My thumb glided under his eye and I noticed he was staring at me. "What about you?"

"I want to destroy everything I hate." He grumbled. This was funny to me, seeing as I was putting moisturizer on him due to a little itch. "I hate the hero society we live in."

"That's understandable." I agreed.

"Where's your family?" He seemed to be awfully talkative.

"Dead." I answered. "Mom died of a brain infection and my father was murdered by a hero who was drunk after a bad day of work. I was an only child." I tried not to make it obvious that I was massaging the tense parts of his neck. "Where is yours?"

"Dead." He answered shortly.

"I see." My fingers ran over the back of his neck, finding every tense muscle and applying light pressure. "Seems we are in the same boat family wise." I chuckled softly. "Shouldn't you be going home so you can sleep?"

"Something is bothering me." He replied.

"You can talk to me about it." I offered politely.

He sat in silence, mulling over his thoughts. "You said you want to go on a date with me, but you're dating Dabi."

A laugh escaped me before I could suppress it. "Dabi?!" I laughed again. "No, Dabi might try to crawl up my leg every night, but he knows we are only friends." I gave up on concealing my intentions and pressed both thumbs into his neck. This earned a soft sigh of relief from him. "Tonight when you walked in Dabi was doing his nightly dig into my brain. He constantly asks me what my type is. My honest answer is, I don't know." I paused, letting my hands take place in my lap. "I've never dated anyone, but you interest me. Something about you draws me in. So, I'd like to get to know you better."

My hair blocked my face as I let my eyes fix themselves on my comforter. Something about him hearing those words made me unsettled. This was me being shy because of a crush. I'd never felt this before, but it was kind of exciting.

Shigaraki turned to face me and hooked the knuckle of his index finger under my chin. Lifting my head, he spoke. "What was it you said?" His eyes locked with mine. "We are in the same boat."

My chest swelled as my head went empty. He was interested in me? He avoided me for a month! What the absolute hell?! I'd been so caught up in my thoughts that I almost didn't notice him trying to kiss me. My hands went to his chest and I froze. He blinked at me, obviously confused by my sudden hesitation.

"Don't get me wrong, it's going to drive me crazy doing this," I started to explain myself, "but we've both had a few drinks. I want to be sure that this is what we are feeling. We can take things slow for now. That way if it isn't that kind of attraction we don't have any regrets."

His eyes dropped along with his hand. "You're right."

"So, tomorrow," My brain needed a change of subject. I got his tea and returned to my spot in front of him. "We'll get you suited up and test everything before you leave." His hands took the mug gently. "For now, drink that and relax."

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