Who Is Mack?

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My heavy breathing had nearly calmed. The cool tile floor of my kitchen felt amazing. Dabi quickly brought in my first aid kit and a towel. I slid the towel under my arm and grabbed the bottle of disinfectant. Taking a deep breath, I clenched my teeth. Pain filled me as I poured the liquid over the fresh wound. Letting out a deep growl, I cleaned the area.

Once it was clean I grabbed a suture kit. Using butterfly bandages I held the wound closed so I could stitch it faster. The needle hurt, but I really needed to close up this wound. It only took a couple minutes to get closed. Once I was done I looked up to the two men stood before me.

"Did I mention I can play a healer?" I jested lightly though gritted teeth. 

"No." Tomura responded blankly.

"You didn't mention you were a badass either." Dabi added.

Jim walked over to smell me, but lazily turned and walked away. "I need a shower." I groaned tiredly.

I got to my feet and started back toward the spare bathroom. Tomura followed me to the bathroom. Before I could start getting ready he turned on the shower. His eyes looked me over blankly, I could tell he was struggling to process what he'd just seen. The adrenaline was starting to wear off revealing my true state. As The room started to spin my vision became fuzzy. Tomura caught me before I could hit the ground. 

"Thanks." I muttered as he sat with me. "I can handle myself from here."

"Can you?" He asked sarcastically. "Cause to me it looks like you can barely move."

He was right, my head was nearly too much to support. "We've only been dating a couple of days." I stated, feeling out of it. "You sure you're ready to see me naked." He hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Fine, you can trash the shirt. I have about five others just like it." I paused. "Fuck it, turn it all to dust if you want. I can't bare the thought of moving around enough to get undressed."

Tomura gripped my shirt letting it fade to dust slowly. Even under my clothes I was bloodstained. He took his time revealing my weakened form. Once I was down to my underwaer I could see the hesitation in his eyes.

"You don't-" I started.

"Shut up!" He snapped. "You need my help."

Without letting another second go to waste, Tomura finished undressing me. My body laid limp against his. A mix of extreme blood loss and excessively pushing my quirk had me spent. Clenching his fists, Tomura placed me in my shower. I sat back against the glass wall while the warm water ran over me.

Outside of the shower door Tomura put his back against the wall and slid to the floor. "Who was that?" He asked, trying not to stare.

"Mack." I started my explanation. "I told you I've never dated anyone before. It was never due to lack of interested men. I've just never been attracted to anyone. He used to frequent the arcade. We'd play games together and I could tell he liked me. As the years passed he tried to get closer to me, but I still had no interest. One night he stopped me on my way home and offered to take me to dinner. I declined politely. Instead of taking the hint he asked me to marry him. When I said no he took it to heart. Now, he tries to kidnap or kill me any chance he gets. The man is a twisted idiot."

"He's a stalker?" He summed it up nicely.

"He is." I replied.

The look in Tomura's eyes was possessively angry. "I'm going to stay here with you." 

"Tomura-" I rolled my head to face him.

"Don't piss me off more than I already am." He growled.

He was a little forceful, but I understood why. "Ok, you can take the guest room."

"There's a guest room!?" Dabi's voice yelled from the other side of the door.

I'd started to laugh, but instantly started coughing. "He's been sleeping on the couch every night he's stayed with me."

"Bitch." Dabi grumbled loudly.

"Ass hat!" I replied endearingly.

The water running down the drain faded from crimson to clear after a while. I'd managed to wash my body, but I couldn't take washing my hair. Tomura rolled up his sleeves, revealing that the hair tie I'd given him was being kept around his left wrist. He kept his focus on my hair as he washed it. 

After I was clean, Tomura draped my towel over my shoulders. He lifted me again and sat me on the counter of my sink. The lost look on his face was adorable.

"Clothes, Tomura, I need clothes." I informed him with a smile. 

"Right." He stared into my eyes for a moment. 

While he was away I leaned on the wall for support. Thankfully, he was a smart man. He'd brought back a tank top, basketball shorts, and an acceptable pair of underwear. Passing on the bra, I let him help me get dressed. I'd almost not noticed he'd replaced his blood covered sweater with one of my hoodies. 

We returned to the kitchen to see it completely cleaned. Dabi had also taken it upon himself to make wagyu steaks with sautéed spinach and mushrooms. We'd ate in the living room in complete silence. There was a thick tension in the air that I couldn't ignore. 

Dabi took my plate as I spoke. "Can you get the first aid kit and tell me why the hell you two are acting so weird?" 

The two looked at each other. "We don't necessarily get along most of the time." Dabi stated. "Not to mention we were both afraid that you'd be killed the whole time we ran to the alley. When we showed up we didn't expect a single thing we saw."

"I thought you were a gentle and weak person." Tomura shared his half. "What is your quirk?"

"Mind control." I answered. "I can control up to three people's actions at one time. The fewer people I control the more control I have over a longer period." I smirked. "Wanna see what I mean?"

Tomura was definitely curious. He gave me a gentle nod. Slipping into his head, I could feel that I hadn't recharged very much. I stuck with something simple. He laid down with his head in my lap and cuddled up against me. I was careful to make sure his hands stayed balled up. Once I was comfortable I let go of my control.

Dabi blinked at me unamused, so I used my little party trick on him. I sent him into the kitchen and lost control of him once he was out of my line of sight. Tomura laid just how I placed him, comfortably snuggled against me. My fingers brushed back through his hair as he looked up at me.

"What are the limitations?" He asked.

"Well, I can only use it on people I can see and I can't make people talk." I informed him.

Dabi returned with coconut water and my first aid kit. I got out a trauma pad, antibiotic ointment, and a roll of gauze. Dabi's warm hand applied the ointment as I got the pad ready. Thanking him, I placed the pad over the laceration gently. Wrapping the gauze around my bicep, I kept my hand on Tomura's head for comfort. 

I turned on the tv and started an anime. Dabi groaned in response, but was invested after the first episode. It may not have been my favorite, but I drank the coconut water. That was how we stayed for most of the night.

Touch (Shigaraki x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt