I Just Want To Talk

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"I just want to talk." The voice said as a hand was placed on Tomura's shoulder.

We stopped walking and I prepared to use my quirk. Tomura's eyes told me to stay quiet. This was not the time nor place to be starting a fight. Everything in me was screaming to protect Tomura.

"I've changed my mind." The voice stated. "So, can we go somewhere private to talk?"

Tomura turned to face the person but kept me in place. "We can talk."

Who was this person? Why was their voice so familiar? This situation felt too dangerous for my comfort.

"There's a-" The person started.

"We can sit over there." Tomura interrupted, pointing to a set of benches by the fountain. He leaned over to me and whispered. "Stay close by."

Shaking his hand from my shoulder, I turned around. Katsuki Bakugo, that was the kid's name. "I'm not leaving you alone." I stated firmly.

Tomura seemed displeased, but he knew better than to argue. "Ok."

We went to the benches in silence. Moments passed with us staring at the boy before us in silence. He seemed particularly upset about something.

"How did you know?" Tomura initiated the conversation.

"I remembered your voice, idiot." Bakugo replied rudely.

My body nearly reacted on its own. Every fiber of my being wanted to knock the shit out of this kid. Tomura put his arm around me, keeping me tightly pressed against him. I wouldn't be able to handle much of this little shit insulting Tomura.

"Make it quick, child." I hissed.

"Watch who you call a child!" Bakugo snapped. "Who are you anyway?"

"This is my girlfriend." Tomura's response caught the chihuahua off guard. "She's also my right hand."

Bakugo stared with his mouth agape. "How does a creep like you-"

"Listen, little shit, you're really pushing your-" I'd snapped when Tomura silenced me with a kiss.

He pulled away, looking me dead in the eyes. "Behave." He whispered firmly.

There was nothing I could do after being stunned by those eyes. I sat with my hands in my lap and stared at the ground. Given that any further interaction with this shithead would drive me into a fit of rage, I decided it best that Tomura do the talking.

"I don't usually get involved with recruits." Tomura directed his attention back to the child. "If you have changed your mind I'll give you our recruiter's number."

It was obvious that this wasn't what the chihuahua wanted to hear. "Or you could just listen to what I have to say." Bakugo grumbled. Tomura deadpanned as he looked the kid over and gave a nod, allowing him to explain. "One of my friends is being abused by his father." I looked up to see a rage-filled expression on the boy's face. "His father is the number 1 hero. If that guy can hold the number 1 spot... then I don't want to be a hero."

"I swear." I growled as my muscles tensed. "I just want to see the li-"

Tomura squeezed my shoulder. "You'll see it one day, player two." Grabbing my purse, he grabbed a pen and a notepad. "Message this number. He'll be waiting."

Tomura handed over the slip of paper before he helped me stand. Pain shot through my leg as I nearly fell. This whole being injured thing was getting old quickly. When Tomura caught my waist another set of hands grabbed my shoulders.

"You good?" Bakugo asked, letting go of my shoulders.

"Katsuki!" A voice called out.

"Shit." Bakugo muttered under his breath. "Don't say a word."

"Hey, Bakugo!" Another voice joined in. "We thought you got lost!" A blonde-haired boy said as he walked up.

"As if I'd get lost." Bakugo grumbled. "I just ran into my cousin and his wife."

"Oh." The red-haired boy I'd known as Kirishima seemed surprised. "Well, Kaminari was getting hungry, so we decided to look for you. We should find something to eat. Your family can join us."

Bakugo turned to us. "We were actually getting ready to leave." I helped him out. "Have fun with your friends, Katsuki." I waived as Tomura and I walked away.


We'd picked up sushi for lunch and were on our way to a place I'd been to many times before. The whole ride Tomura had his hand on my thigh. Occasionally his thumb would slowly rub my leg. Part of me was terribly nervous about taking him to the place I'd chosen. Never had I taken anyone there before. To me, it was a sacred place to clear my head.

Tomura carried our food as I carried our brand-new picnic blanket. We were walking down a path through the woods when Tomura started complaining.

"Where are we going?" He grumbled. "How far do we have to walk?" I remained silent as we got near the opening. "Are you listening to me?"

From the opening, I could see the lake shimmering in the light of the slowly setting sun. Shades of purple and orange blended behind the clouds like a painting. The smell of wild peonies filled the air.

"I've never brought anyone here before." I whispered softly as Tomura joined me. "I found this trail by accident during a hike about a year after I killed Spark Master. It has been an important place for me since then."

Tomura stared for while in silence. His fingers laced between mine gently. Leading him to the tree that sat peacefully near the water's edge, I felt my heart swell. We laid out the blanket together and sat side by side facing the lake.

"This place means a lot to you?" Tomura asked in a hushed voice.

Looking into his eyes caused me to tear up. "It does." I sniffled. "I wanted to share it with you."

A long, soft kiss took place of our words. With tears running down my cheeks, I thought of all we'd been through leading up to this moment. It felt like we'd been together forever, but our story had only just begun.

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