A Successful Mission

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My phone ripped me from my sleep. Shit! My legs were still shaky, but I needed to wake up the other two. It took all of my determination to get to Tomura's door. My hand turned the knob weakly. Fuck!

"Tomura!" I panted.

He woke up and rocketed out of bed. "Why are you walking?!" He nagged.

"Heroes are going to raid the Shie Hassaikai base in 4 hours." I informed him wincing.


Tomura had let the Yakuza thug know about the raid. It was less to inform him and more to let Twice and Toga know that the plan was now going into action. The men were suited up for their attack and Tomura helped me set up my third monitor on my desk.

Sitting at my desk, I checked and adjusted everyone's settings. Tomura removed the hand he wore on his face and sat it on my desk. I looked over the route they'd be taking and took a deep breath.

"If all goes according to plan they'll take this route to Tartarus." I explained. "I'll keep an eye on the news and the tracker that Toga planted. Remember I'll be in your ear the entire time."

"We finally get to face the first boss." He seemed excited.

I smirked. "My first real job as a member."

His lips pressed to mine softly for the first time since our date. It felt just like the first time we kissed. Even with knowing that it would all be ok I worried.

"Make it home to me in one piece, ok?" I whispered.

"I will." He replied with a smile.


Everyone had made it home safe. Tomura was elated about the success of the mission. Being able to walk again I went to the living room to see the whole crew gathered. I took my place on the couch next to Dabi. Thankfully, I owned a sectional big enough to fit everyone. Kurogiri brought me a coconut water and I cringed.

"You are still healing." He whispered so he didn't interrupt Tomura.

I took the bottle and screwed off the lid. Quirk erasing bullets, that was the product of the day's mission. Twice had tried to replicate them, but didn't know enough about them to properly replicate them. At least we had a few on standby if we needed them. Honestly, I thought that the whole idea was kind of pathetic. Why erase a quirk when you could eliminate the quirk user.

Tomura released us from our little meeting. Sighing, I went to my room to get the other two computers built. I started on the second computer, but as I laid out the case I received a call on my secondary phone. The name on the screen made my stomach churn. Putting the call on speaker phone, I laid the device on my extra desk by the computer case.

"Hello." I answered calmly as Tomura walked in.

My finger quickly went to my lips, signaling him to remain silent. He sat on my bed watching me with a look of interest. When he heard the voice on the other end he froze.

"Yuki, I hope you are doing well." Endeavor replied kindly.

"I am." I tried to put on a happy act. "How are you, sir?"

"Wonderful, thanks for asking." He sounded genuinely happy. "I was calling to extend an invitation to you. You see, in a month we'll be holding a special event as a sort of socialization of support members and agencies. Usually I send this invitation in the mail, but I know you are a woman of privacy. So, I thought I'd give you a call. Would you like to attend?"

I pondered the possibilities for a second before giving my answer. "I'd be delighted to attend."

"Wonderful!" He chimed. "I'll have an assistant send the invitation via email. I cannot wait to see you there."

We said our goodbyes and hung up the call. Tomura stared in disbelief as if I'd committed a crime. My blood was burning in my veins. It took everything in me not to throw my phone. My eyes met his, my body was trembling with hatred.

"You promise me, not as Tomura but as Shigaraki, that when we destroy hero society I can be the one to drain the life from that man's body." I growled.

Tomura blinked at me confused. "What the hell just happened?"

Taking a deep breath, I did my best to explain. "I work with heroes to help solve cases and track villains, BUT I only do jobs that involve legitimately awful people. I've also been the one to upgrade their security systems. I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING! No, I'm not going to bring harm to the League. I've been doing this for the same reason I joined."

"I feel like I've been lied to." Tomura stood. He backed me against the wall with his hand around my throat. I felt no fear. "Tell me the whole truth or my little finger here will remove you from our game."

Looking into his eyes, I hissed. "I fucking hate heroes. I want those fuckers to pay with their lives. They took my father and my innocence. I've been building a front to fucking destroy them, Tomura. Nothing would make me happier than seeing them bleed."

His face got closer to mine as his eyes stared deeper into mine. "Explain everything." He hissed back.

"My father was killed by the hero Spark Master." I was shaking with fury at this point. "Then, he took my innocence when I was only 15 years old. If you know anything about him you know he was honored as a hero, but to me he was a piece of shit that deserved the gruesome death he got."

"Your anger is real." Tomura whispered. "Tell me, is this why you joined, to kill heroes?"

"It is." I confirmed.

His head pulled back before his lips crashed into mine. He quickly removed his hand from my neck and replaced it with his mouth. Our bodies pressed together as he pinned me against the wall with his. My hands slid under his shirt, grasping and clawing at his back. Soft moans escaped my lips. His fists pressed to the wall, keeping a good distance from me.

Things were getting heated fast, but it was not in the cards for us. My head went fuzzy as my vision blurred over. I didn't want it to stop, but I was still recovering. My movements became weak and my arms heavy.

"Tomura." I muttered. "I... ngh... can't..."

He quickly pulled back and caught me. Guiding me to the bed, he sat with me. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I chuckled. "I was enjoying it."

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