Player 2

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The sun snuck in through a crack between the curtain and the wall. Tomura's gloved hand played with my hair softly. We were both exhausted, but we'd decided a day off could be nice. My heart ached in my chest for my boy. Not having him with me left a hole in my heart.

"He was happy." Tomura spoke first.

"I know." I replied. 

He rolled to his back, pulling me to his bare chest. "What can I do to destroy the pain?" He whispered gently.

I chuckled softly at his use of the word destroy. "Holding me is enough any time I'm sad." I informed him. "Your voice is also comforting."

"You think so?" He asked, sounding a little surprised.

Smiling, I looked up at him. "Of course, I love everything about you, Tomura."

His brow furrowed and his expression turned troubled. "Hearing you say that word to me or about me still just doesn't feel right. It makes me happy, but feels so odd at the same time."

I traced the lines of his chest. "Maybe it's because nobody ever showed you what real love feels like." 

"Is love the reason you said what did before killing that boss?" He asked softly.

I nodded, gently rubbing his chest. "Everything I do is for love." 


I'd decided to go for a run while Tomura got some time to himself. He made sure I had my phone, my gun, and quirk suppressants on me. When I got to the mailbox I noticed a package sitting on top with my name. I'd not ordered anything nor did I notice the company. Knowing better than to touch it, I messaged Tomura. The front door flung open and Tomura grabbed the package, pulling me inside. 

He quickly sat me down and got to opening the small box. From it he pulled two small jewelry boxes. "Dabi said that when someone is sad a gift can make them feel better." He explained, handing me one of the small black boxes. 

Opening it I saw a small black game controller pendant hanging from a dainty black chain. Looking up, I saw Tomura kneeled in front of me with a matching necklace. Tears flooded my eyes at the thought of him even getting something that held such meaning. We were the players of this world domination game. We would be the unit to drive change.

Still holding the box, I threw my arms around his neck with a smile. "I love you so much!" I sobbed softly. "Thank you!"

His arms wrapped around me gently as he leaned his head against mine. I wiped my eyes as I sat back, letting him go. On the back Player 2 was engraved in a cute, swirly font. I took the necklace from the box so that I could put it on, but Tomura held out his hand. 

"Can I do it?" He asked gently.

"Only if I get to put yours on you." I chuckled.

"Deal." He replied giving me a breathtaking smile.

Putting Tomura's necklace on him, I started to get lost in those ruby like eyes. These were eyes that had seen only pain and suffering. They'd seen the awful things the world could do to a person. Yet when met with mine they held a sense of love. The type of love that fostered deep commitment and protection. Love that in such a short time had brought forth a new sense of family. 

When Jim died I wasn't the only one that had lost him. Tomura had loved the little creature as well. He'd always be so gentle with my old boy. Even in his words Tomura would speak with such soft affection. It was possible that he'd never known the joy of having a pet. In a way it would make sense. One slip up when petting anything could mean causing pain or death.

"Are you ok? I know Jim meant a lot to you." I thought aloud.

Tomura's shoulders dropped. He needed comforted, but I'd been too worried about myself. After he'd put my necklace on me I held him close. It was not in his nature to cry over something like this, but for him to hurt in silence made perfect sense. 

"Losing him has helped me get along with Dabi a little." Tomura confessed in a whisper as if he were embarrassed by the thought of somebody overhearing. 

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