He Wants To Meet You

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Dabi and I ate dinner in silence. Afterward, we started drinking and I decided to do some gaming. It didn't take long for him to loosen up and become a social butterfly.

"Ya didn't even ask a question. Ya just agreed to join." He shook his head. "There's gotta be something terribly wrong with ya."

"I've never been part of an organization." I replied. "Besides, you can consider it repayment for both saving me and keeping me company tonight."

He took another shot of Fire Ball. "Eh! It woulda been a shame to see such a hottie get treated like that." He kicked back with his feet on the coffee table next to mine.

I let his comment roll off of me. "So, now that your boss is in Tartarus who is in charge?"

Dabi laughed. "All For One was never the boss." He informed me. "Nah, it's always been the little crusty jerk."

"Little crusty jerk?" I repeated his words.

"Yeah, can't tell you his name." He replied. "Don't want to end up a pile of dust."

My eyes went to the bottle on the coffee table. He'd had about half of the thing. Grabbing it, I took it to the kitchen, listening to my new friend's protesting the whole way. As I turned to go back I was met by a very drunken Dabi. He pushed me up against the counter a bit roughly and started kissing my neck.

"Dabi!" I yelped from shock.

"Say it again." He ordered breathily. "I wanna hear you say my name just like that."

"Nope, you need to back up, buddy." I replied as I pushed him off of me.

He put his hands out to the side as if showing he was harmless. "Aw, I thought we were hitting it off pretty well."

Shaking my head, I sighed. "Maybe as friends, but you're not really my type." I tried to let him down easily.

"What is your type?" He asked with a smirk.

I shrugged. "I don't know." I tried to think about it. "I've never dated anyone."

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Really?" He chuckled. "Maybe ya could give me a chance?"

I giggled softly. "I think things were better when you were sober." Choosing to remain kind, I took his arm. "You can stay here for the night. The couch is pretty comfortable."


My body shot upright in a flash. Though my lungs were putting in the work, it felt like I couldn't catch my breath. Jim laid in his spot by my feet sleeping peacefully. My door cracked open slowly as Dabi poked his head in.

"Hey," his voice was raspy and emotionless, "you good?"

I replied, trying to catch my breath. "Yeah, I had a nightmare."

He took it upon himself to walk in, shutting my door behind him. "I heard yelling and figured something was wrong."

Being nice, I scooted over to let him sit. "It's not uncommon for me to have them." I put my face in my hands. "Thank you for checking on me. I'm sorry I woke you."

Dabi stood facing the door, but I didn't want to be alone. "Wait!" I called after him.

He stopped and turned around curiously. "What?"

"Do you think you could stay here with me?" My eyes dropped to my comforter. "At least until I fall asleep."

He chuckled softly. "Even though I'm not your type?"

I hung my head feeling bad about our earlier exchange. "I'm sorry." I muttered.

"If it means you won't wake me up again I'll stay." He said as he walked over to join me.

Dabi laid by me as I gave him one of my extra pillows. I curled up to his chest and he put an arm around me. It may have been because of his quirk or the fact that I'd never slept in the same bed as someone, but his warmth was incredible.


Call me when you wake up

Was the note left on the pillow Dabi had used. It also had his number written at the bottom. I'd put his contact information in my phone before dialing the number.

"Hello?" Dabi answered.

"Hey, it's Yuki." I replied groggily.

"Oh, hey. So, I'm with the boss right now and he says he'd like to meet you." He explained. "It would probably be best for us to come to you."

"When would you guys be here?" I asked, doing my best to keep calm.


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