Here's The Plan

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Shit head: I already know who your boss is. Just let me come to the base already.

Dabi: No.

Shit head: You're being an idiot.

"He's probably getting impatient." I stated. "What should we do?"

"It has only been two days." Dabi sighed. "Make him wait."

I pondered our options as Tomura spoke. "Trusting him is a dumb idea, but he could've had Yuki and I arrested in the mall without a problem."

"He could also be making an attempt at getting all of the LOV arrested." Dabi replied.

I pulled out my phone, checking my Watchful app. Scrolling through my many keywords, I started to form a plan. If we could pull it off we'd see how trustworthy this little shit really was.

Tomura crossed his arms, sitting back with his feet up on the couch. "He could be a useful piece to have in our game." He seemed to be in Bakugo's corner.

"Or the complete downfall of the League." Dabi grumbled under his breath.

"We all have seen what the kid is capable of." I started. "We could try trapping him again." Dabi sided-eyed me, not thrilled with my plan. "Hear me out. In a week there is a big hero meeting that the commission holds. The agencies are left with mere sidekicks. This meeting is the reason that I've been holding off on planning the heist. With Keigo in our basement and his top sidekicks at that meeting, Kyushu is going to be defenseless."

"What does this have to do with Bakugo?" Tomura asked impatiently.

"I want to set up a meeting to convince him to bring one of his classmates to Kyushu." I continued my explanation. "We could say that we are planning to hold the kid hostage or something, but the real plan will be to grab Bakugo and take him. If he tries to bring a hero or legitimately tries to fight back we will know he's a traitor. If it turns out that he's on our side we'll bring him back here and keep an eye on him. I'll set him up with a GPS/mic device like the ones I put in your mission clothes. It will be a good way to gather data on UA and the heroes that work there."

Tomura and Dabi stared at me, thinking it over. "That could actually work." Dabi gave his support. "But what reason would they have to be in the area?"

I chuckled. "The Hawks support agency offers free tours to hero academy students for educational purposes."

Tomura nodded and looked to me with confidence. "Then Dabi can take care of setting up a meeting and you can do the talking." He gave my plan the go-ahead.

Using my phone, I started to wiggle my way into the Hawks support agency. The password system seemed weak as hell, I guess Keigo wasn't lying. I grabbed a box of pocky from the basket on the coffee table and popped a stick in my mouth. We'd have to get in as undetected as humanly possible. The longer we were in the building without raising alarm, the longer we'd have to search for the items I wanted. Ultimately it would be more efficient to use my security access to locate my desired loot and make pre-planned routes.

If I could get my hands on security cards we would be able to slip in undetected, luckily I knew exactly who to call. My friend, Koyo, was pro when it came to fake IDs. I dialed his number and pressed my phone to my ear as I watched Dabi walk out to the porch, leaving the front door open. Tomura laid on the couch with his head in my lap, giving me a good opportunity to play with his hair.

"Well hello there, Yuki!" Lyla's voice revealed that my call was highly unexpected.

"Hello, Lyla." I replied happily.

Music could be heard thumping away in the background. "Need to schedule a meeting?" Lyla asked sweetly.

"I do, I'll be bringing a guest." I informed her.

She hummed happily. "A boyfriend perhaps?" She questioned.

"The boyfriend will likely stay outside, he's kind of gaining a serious reputation." I answered while I caressed Tomura's cheek. "I'll be bringing in my new brother instead. We know how things can get there."

"Could you bring this guest tonight?" She asked.

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