Pet Bird

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When you know about someone's past it doesn't usually cause conflicting emotions because you know who that person had become, but knowing what Tomura did not was harder to bear than I originally anticipated. Everything had an explanation now. The way he'd gotten upset after hurting me probably brought up hidden emotions. The fact that he couldn't really make a life goal for himself was because of his lack of control throughout his young life. He expected to handle things alone because nobody had tried to stand beside him before. His rage filled fits were due to the fact that all he saw as a child was anger. Everything had a reason.

I sat on the porch, watching as the strays came up for food. Tomura had been playing a game when I got back from my visit with Doc, and Dabi had gone to the store. The sun had started to set, taking its warmth with it. Soon I'd be setting out shelters for the cats.

"Hey." Dabi said as he walked up to the house with a cigarette between his lips. "How did your visit go?"

"Doc said I'm recovering better than he'd expected." I answered, petting the black cat in my lap. "I can start doing more around the house."

He held out the bags he'd been carrying. "Then you should take this down to your pet bird. He's been asking about you."

I took the bags, finding cat food, cup noodles, and a few magazines inside. Getting up, I started toward the apartment building. Of course I was still not allowed to go anywhere by myself, so Dabi put out his cigarette and followed me.

When I got to Keigo's door I remembered the last time I'd seen him. He'd been sleeping when I dropped off Kiko. Had I made the right decision or had I only brought up bad memories? As I opened the door I saw a sight that brought a smile to my face. Keigo sat on the floor, training Kiko to lay down. She seemed to be confused, but it didn't dull the determination in Keigo's eyes.

"I see you two are getting along well." I chuckled as I handed over his bags.

Since I'd last been in the holding room while the lights were on a microwave, mini fridge, and a beanbag chair had been added. Either Keigo had been behaving well or Dabi was getting lazy. Either way this made things a lot easier.

"She's been good company." He replied, taking the bags. "She's learned to sit and stay, but laying down seems to be a struggle." He paused. "Unless we are going to sleep, then she has no issue."

Smiling, I sat down across from the hero. "Sorry I've not been around."

"I figured something happened when Dabi threw the bag of snacks and comics in without a word." He replied. "Were you hurt?"

I nodded slowly, lifting the hem of my shorts to show the bandage. "Kidnapped, threatened, beaten, and stabbed." I informed him.

His eyes went from the bandage to Kiko. "I wish there was something I could have done." He whispered.

Back by his bed I spotted some familiar looking documents boxes. "Are those mine?" I pointed to the boxes.

Keigo looked back and turned to me with a sigh. "Yeah, I've read through everything about 10 times over." His head lifted until he was looking at me. "Here I thought I had seen the worst of the hero society while I was in training, but now I know that there's much worse. I've decided being a hero is not as great as it sounds."

"So now what?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I guess I'll be a villain."

Chuckling, my hand ran over Kiko's soft fur. "Ok, Mr. Villain, I have a question."

"Shoot." He responded, grabbing a snack from one of the bags.

"The support agency you own, how guarded is it exactly?" I asked.

He thought my question over for a moment. "I'd say it's average. The admin password is endeavorswingman7890."

I burst out into laughter. "What the fuck, Keigo?!"

He laughed softly. "What? I used to want to be a big hero like him." He blushed. "It's not that funny."

Wiping away tears, I tried to be serious. "Oh, it is golden, hun."

Rolling his eyes, Keigo chuckled playfully. "Why are you asking about my support agency?" He questioned, trying to change the conversation.

"Eagle Eyes." I answered, catching my breath. "I want to modify and perfect the technology. Don't get me wrong, I could probably throw it together myself with enough digging through the notes, but I'd rather skip all of that and get the product."

He got up, taking his bags with him. "That's going to be on the top floor behind high level clearance. Anything that agency was working on for me was considered top secret." He informed me as he put away his groceries. "None of it is really that dangerous, but the idea was to keep the technology out of the wrong hands."

"Understandable." I responded, standing up. "I'm going to check this information before I go thanking you."

As I walked to the door I felt a sort of pull to go back to Keigo. I couldn't let my emotions get the better of me, Tomura's future kingdom needed me to be strong. Once everything leveled out and Keigo realized the truth we'd be able to be friends, real friends this time.

"Take care of yourself." Keigo called after me.

"I will." I replied without looking back. "See ya tomorrow."

Dabi had been waiting in the viewing room, relaxed in one of the chairs. He seemed to be awfully stressed about something on his phone. So much so that he hadn't even noticed me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

He looked up at me blankly, turning off and pocketing his phone. "We have a problem."

"The problem being?" I pressed further.

"Katsuki Bakugo." He answered with a blank expression.

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