The Skyline

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We sat on the hood of the Sian eating tacos and looking at the skyline. Shigaraki had gotten a bit of sauce on the corner of his mouth. Gently, I used a napkin to wipe it away. For a second he seemed a little aggravated, but I just smiled in reply.

"Hannah took me in when I was 6." I started as I finished my last taco. "After mom died I was an orphan. She gave me a home and helped me build my pc. Mom and dad owned a computer company, so I pretty much knew how to use one from age 2. When I turned 18 she let me go out on my own. She knew the work I was doing and would take me to the shop you and I stopped at. If not for Hannah I would've died on the streets or in some alley."

Shigaraki's eyes fixed on me attentively. "What did she want from you in return?"

I shook my head. "Nothing at all. She'd just lost a daughter of the same age as me. When I turned 15 I took shifts at the arcade to repay her, but she stopped that as quick as she noticed."

"All For One did the same thing." He seemed to be opening up a little. "I don't remember much from before that, but I know my quirk killed my family." He grimaced as his hand went to his stomach.

My hand rested on his in an attempt to comfort him. "Don't talk about it if you're not ready, Tomura." I stopped myself. "I apologize, I meant to-"

"Would you say it again?" He asked. 

"Tomura?" I looked to his eyes, confused. 

"I like the way your voice sounds when you say it." He smiled softly.

"I can call you Tomura if you prefer." I offered kindly. My fingers laced between his, but he pulled his hand away.

"Don't!" He snapped. "I don't want you to disappear." 

I slowly reached for his hand. "Let me try something." A mix of fear and trust filled his eyes. "If I understand correct, you have to touch me with all five fingers." He nodded. I hooked my pinky with his and smiled. "So, one finger should be safe."

He looked down at at our interlocked fingers like he didn't know what to think. It was a mildly spaced out expression as if he were having trouble processing the data before him. 

"I feel warm." He whispered. "My chest feels strange. What is this?"

I giggled softly. "I believe we both gained a few intimacy points tonight." I scooted closer. "The normies call it affection. I feel like we know well enough now that this is probably more than some strange infatuation."

Tomura's eyes met mine as they had the night before. The pull between us was so much stronger this time. When our lips connected I felt it. The feeling like burning electricity moving through my body from my heart. In that moment the world fell away. The earth stopped spinning. We were suspended in a moment together. 

Separating from his lips, I found that my hand had made its way to his cheek. His eyes twinkled with a light that had been tucked away somewhere beneath the grumpy evil demeanor he'd shrouded himself in. Even given how dry his poor lips were I went in for another kiss. This time our lips synced up perfectly. Each kiss pulled me higher than the one before. 

"That was nice." Tomura whispered breathily.

I nodded with a smile. "You felt it too?"

"Like beating a hard boss for the first time?" He asked.

"Like electricity running through circuits?" I replied.

"Yeah." His voice was so quiet and gentle.

"Same here." I whispered, still caught in the moment.

We both pulled away in our daze. My heart refused to return to its normal pace. My head found its way to his shoulder. We sat like that watching the distant city lights for some time. 

"I'm sorry." Tomura broke the silence quietly.

"For?" I replied.

His head rested against mine. "Avoiding you." He said softly. "When I saw you I felt that feeling in my chest. I thought it was a warning to stay away. Now I know it wasn't. Kurogiri helped me realize that."

I lifted my head to peck his cheek and reassure him. "It's ok, I felt it too."

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