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Keigo had been stripped of his hero uniform and given a variety of clothes to lounge in. Kurogiri had brought down chicken yakitori and hotpot. I'd taken care to see he at least had sheets and pillows. My heart was conflicted. Keigo had been a spy all of this time, but the interactions I'd had with him were genuine. We'd exchanged photos, recipes, and entertainment recommendations. If his actions were solely for information he wouldn't have been so kind. Dabi had told me that Keigo was rude and untrusting, but to me he was nothing of the sort.

"Ya know, for keeping me prisoner you're being awfully generous." Keigo remarked.

Looking away from him, I crossed my arms. "This was never what I wanted, Keigo." I admitted. "I wanted us to be friends. I wanted my suspicions to be wrong."

He chuckled halfheartedly. "I thought we were friends."

His words had hit my heart. "We were." I replied.

His eyes dropped to my wrist. "I see that you liked your bracelet." He said before taking a bite of his food.

"Yeah, a friend got it for me." I felt tears form in my eyes. "Turns out he wasn't much of a friend."

Unable to take his presence any longer, I walked out of the room, making sure he stayed put. As I closed the door I bumped into somebody. Tomura looked down at me blankly. Feeling ashamed, tears fell from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, T-" Tomura pulled me to his chest, cutting me off.

"It is not your fault." He whispered bitterly. "Heroes are trash that need taken out, but I found why you have attached yourself to him. His file on your computer was rather large. You'd searched for any reason to hate him, but you couldn't find one. He's someone you believed would agree with our cause and he hurt you." He tilted my head up so I'd look at him while he wiped away my tears. His expression softened considerably. "The training he went through caused him a lot of suffering. He's a lot like us, but he ended up on the wrong side. I still can't say I agree with your decision to keep him alive, but I understand." He kissed my forehead gently before holding me to his chest. "You've taught me something valuable, when you care about somebody you are supposed to support them. So, I'll support you until this either fails or succeeds. Either way I will always be here for you."

My shaking hands clenched the back of his shirt, pulling me closer to him. I let out a scream of frustration that devolved into a broken cry. Tomura's hold tightened as he kissed the top of my head between words of comfort. Everything in me wanted this to be a horrible nightmare. A dream from hell that I'd wake from soon, but I knew it was real. I knew that the man in the other room was a traitor and he could no longer be trusted. What I hadn't realized was exactly how attached I'd gotten to him.

A warm hand rested on my shoulder gently. Tomura let me go slowly and stepped back. Looking up, I was met with blue eyes filled with regret. "This is my fault." Dabi whispered shamefully. "Please forgive me."

My arms had never hugged anybody, other than Tomura, so fast. Dabi's warm embrace was strong and spoke more than any words could. I couldn't blame Dabi for my idiocy. He never suspected Keigo of anything or else he'd have turned him to ash. This pain was my fault.

"You need to eat dinner, princess." Tomura whispered softly.

Sniffling, I pulled away from Dabi slightly. "Can Dabi join us?" My words were still shaky.

Tomura nodded earning a look of confusion from Dabi. "Are you sure?" He asked me quietly.

Nodding, I stepped away from his arms and laced my fingers with Tomura's. The soft glove against my palm was oddly comforting. We walked out of the apartment building as a team.


After a night of drinking and gaming, Tomura decided to sleep in his room. I was ok with it, but it felt weird not having him in my arms. My mind was still a mess from the day's events. Laying down wasn't helping, nor did gaming. I sat on my bed staring into the darkness. My phone lit up on my nightstand as my text tone sounded.

Dabi: Hey.

Me: Hey.

Dabi: Did I wake you up?

Me: No.

Dabi: Can't sleep?

Me: Yeah.

Dabi: Have you tried?

Me: Dabi, what the fuck is with this game of 20 questions?




Dabi: Is it Hawks that is keeping you awake?

Me: Hawks, Jim, Tomura decided to sleep in his own bed, my brain is a fucking mess.

Dabi: You've had a rough week.

Me: Yeah, you could say that.

Dabi: I was thinking...

Me: Don't hurt yourself.

Dabi: Fuck you.

Dabi: Anyway...

Dabi: I'd be willing to give video games a try tomorrow if it would make you feel better.

Me: ... WOW... Are you dying?

Dabi: Bitch.

Me: Asshat.

Me: We could try gaming.

Dabi: Just let me know when to come over.

My door cracked open slowly. Tomura walked in quietly, not noticing that I was still awake. When he did notice, a look of sadness went over his face.

"You're not asleep." He stated the obvious.

"Neither are you." I replied blandly.

He walked over to crawl in bed beside me. His gloved hand pulled me down beside him. "Would it help if I held you tonight?"

Nodding into his chest, I snuggled up close. My eyes closed, but I wasn't exactly ready to fall asleep just yet. The sound of Tomura's heart was calming me to a more relaxed state. It made my messy world fall into a flowing peace. Switching roles to be the one in his arms was oddly comforting.

"Why are you so kind to me?" Tomura whispered gently. I stayed silent, hoping he'd follow in my actions. "You know, you don't make any sense. I've hurt so many people. Sometimes I think you are too kind to mean what you say when you say you love me. How could it be possible for someone like you to love someone like me? I've killed people out of my own desires, but you have only done it to protect yourself. What happens when you have to murder an innocent? Will you regret joining the league?" He paused to nuzzle the top of my head. "Are you going to leave me? Are you going to hate me? Will there be a day when you realize that you deserve better than me?" He had to think I'd fallen asleep, so I pretended to be. "I don't think I could handle being tossed aside again." His voice started to soften, letting me know that he was falling asleep. "This whole relationship is a scary thing. Giving you my heart... seems... terrifying. I can never lose you, player two."

In my head I answered every question. The truth was that I was far from innocent. Loving Tomura was something that came naturally. Nothing had never felt so right to me. I knew he wasn't what the world considered to be a good person, but I also knew he was a wounded soul. If there was a time I'd have to murder an innocent it would only be because they stood in the way of peace. Regretting joining the league wasn't something that was possible for me. I'd gained a family and someone to love. I'd never leave him nor could I hate him. I knew he was scared. I knew he didn't understand.

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