The Beatings

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My head pounded as I tried to lift it from the cold, dirty floor. A burning sensation on my hand made me wake up fully. Struggling, I tried to pull away, but I was bound by my wrists and ankles.

"She's finally awake." Matt's voice stated enthusiastically. "So, here's the deal, hun. Mack is missing and last anyone had heard from him he was looking for you. Honestly, after he killed the woman of my dreams I detested the blood we shared. In other words, I couldn't care less if you killed him, but I did want him to know my pain, even in the after life. My plan was to kill you, but now that I've seen both the fire in your eyes and the body you hid under baggy clothes I've changed my mind." I'd almost not realized I was naked. "You are going to be my wife. You will learn to serve me and let me have my way with you whenever I please. Once you decide to be a good little thing I'll give you luxuries and the beatings will stop."

"The beatings?" I spoke without thinking.

Matt's foot connected with my stomach. My body curled up in pain, trying to shield itself from his continued beating. Somebody lifted me by my hair while Matt used me as a punching bag. Crying out in pain, I tried to wiggle free. My efforts were futile, there was no way I was getting away from his abuse. He seemed to be avoiding my bones, only hitting spots that wouldn't cause serious damage.

My eyes scanned the room as best they could. Brick walls. A metal door. Dirty concrete floors. A white ceiling. Dim lighting. A chair. 

A hard slap pulled me from my observations. Matt's lips collided with mine. Bringing up my knee, I managed to hit him square in the balls. Doubling over slightly, he stumbled back in pain. A giggle left me before I was dropped back to the floor.

As he gained his composure Matt returned to my limp form. "I fucking like you already, we'll make a good team." He growled aggressively.

Grasping my neck, he kissed me again, but I refused to let that shit slide. I brought my head up, connecting with his forehead. Pain shot through my thigh, as Matt clutched it roughly. Screams left me as I tried to struggle free. My memories of Mack telling me of his brother's quirk returned. Matt's quirk was touch manipulation, he could cause any amount of sensations with a single touch depending on his mood.

"If you think I'll ever bend to your will you are fucking re-" Matt's hand cut me off as the pain increased.

"Listen here, you will find love for me in that ferocious little heart of yours whether you like it or not." He chuckled sadistically. "To think I was going to let you eat."

Matt and his helper left me on the floor as they left the room. Bruises were already forming across my stomach. With all of the pain that I was in moving was nearly impossible. It was only that morning I'd been snuggled up with Tomura, feeling like nothing could stop me. After losing Jim and finding out Keigo was a spy, this was the cherry on top of the shit sundae. All I wanted was to be in Tomura's arms, listening to him bicker with Dabi over some stupid shit.

My mind felt beyond weak. Even if Matt had brought me food I probably wouldn't have eaten a single bite. Everything in me just wanted to give up. Dying sounded far better than going through another moment of pain. Staying strong was getting harder to do, in fact it felt nearly impossible. If I fought back hard enough, if I refused Matt enough, he would surely kill me. When I realized they had taken the necklace Tomura had given me it felt like they'd removed my hope. It was all just shit. Unrelenting, soul crushing shit. How could my life, that was once peaceful, become so filled with agony? I wished for death. Would Matt kill me?

Are you going to leave me? Tomura's voice played through my head like a recording. I can never lose you, player two. He still needed me. My chest feels strange. What is this? Who would show him how to love?

What the hell was I even thinking before? I was Tomura Shigaraki's girlfriend, the second in command of the feared League of Villains. Until Tomura's dreams were a reality I couldn't let myself die. There was no fucking way I'd roll over and die. Fuck that shit. I refused to go down without a fight.

Touch (Shigaraki x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora