The Wake Of Destruction

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Rubbing my eyes, I stirred awake. Tomura's breathing let me know he was still asleep. I decided that staying in bed was out of the equation. Wearing his sweater and a pair of panties I went to the kitchen. I'd made sure to close the door behind me so I could turn on some music. 

Breakfast was ready to be served when my phone rang. What was Dabi doing up so early? Wait why was I up so early?!

"Hello?" I answered.

"Someone is awake early." Dabi said in a surprised tone.

"I could say the same." I sat the plates on the table. "So, are we going to keep talking about how early we are up or are you going to tell me why you're calling at this hour?"

"It's Mack." These words froze me in place. "We got him, Yuki."

"Did you take him to the basement?" I asked calmly.

"Even gave him a dose of quirk suppressant." He replied. 

"I'll be there with Tomura after breakfast."


Donning a t-shirt and leggings, I slid on my boots. Tomura didn't say too much. He could probably sense my shift in mood. We took the stairs to the basement of the apartment building. I'd had this place set up for captives, but we had to have keycards made so no wondering tenants found the place. The entrance to the holding rooms was a hidden door that required a keycard to be tapped in a specific spot. 

The team waited for us behind the hidden door. Dabi led me to the room where Mack was being held. He was slumped over in a chair all tied up like a present waiting under the tree on Christmas morning.

"Turns out he's a perv." Toga said with a frown.

"He saw Toga walking home and thought he could take her for human trafficking." Dabi let me in on the situation. "Luckily, Spinner was on his way to the store and saw what was going on."

"I called Dabi once I knocked him out." Spinner started his part of the story. "He'd told us about the guy. He's been out cold since I got him here."

"What are you going to do with him, player two?" Tomura asked, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

Crossing my arms, I shifted my weight to one foot. "This man has toyed with me for years." I stated calmly. "He's going to play a few games before I choose the best way to kill him." 

Walking over to Mack, I looked him over closely. Spinner barely left a scratch on him. I would not be so kind. 

"Hey there, Mack." I cooed twistedly. "Enjoying your nap?" When I got no response I punched him in the stomach.

He snapped forward and coughed harshly as he came to. "Fuck!" He cried out.

"Time to wake up, dumb bitch." I giggled.

His eyes snapped to me. "Yuki?" He whispered. 

"Hey, Mack, I've gotta question for you." I said with a smile. I walked around behind him and grabbed a handful of his hair, forcing him to look at my new family. Leaning in close, I whispered in his ear. "One of these fine gentleman had the honor of moving in with me. We are dating and last night... well, that man took me and made my body his." My grip on his hair tightened as I stood up straight. "Can you guess who the lucky man is?" 

"Scarface looks like your type." He laughed.

"Bestfriend, try again, ass hole." Dabi chuckled.

"The lizard?" He tried again.

"Ah, come on, that's just rude." I sighed. "Spinner is a wonderful man, but you are wrong once again."

Mack considered his last three options carefully. "Don't tell me it's the crusty creep." He hissed.

Stepping to the side, I threw him back to the ground. I slammed my foot to his chest causing a loud snap. "Nobody fucking insults Tomura Shigaraki like that when I'm around, you fucking insignificant twat." Leaning forward, I folded my arms atop my knee. "He's more of a man than you ever have been." 

Taking my knife from my boot, I sliced his ropes. Using my quirk, I forced him to his knees. I slid my knife back into my boot. When I released him he tried to run at me, but I'd expected as much. My right hook made contact with his face and I felt the crack of his nose breaking. Grabbing a handful of his hair, I forced him to his knees. As he hit the floor my foot came up connecting with his groin. I could hear a couple of the men behind me cringe. He tried to double over, but my hold was strong. 

"Now that's just messed up. Nice kick!" Twice half cheered me on.

Chuckling, I looked back at my family. "Are you guys sure you wanna stay for this next bit?" I asked.

"We are here to show our support, Yuki." Compress assured me.

Toga giggled cutely. "We don't mind a little blood."

"Make him suffer for everything he's done to you." Dabi encouraged. 

"Go ahead, princess, we'll be right here for you." Tomura gave a twisted smile.

A thought crossed my mind, but I knew that giving this ass the luxury of last words was far more than Mack deserved. Letting go of his hair, I kicked him in the head. He fell to the ground with a solid thud. I grabbed his hair and pulled him back to his knees.

"Don't go being a little bitch now!" I yelled, punching him in the face. "You put me through so much shit!" Mack coughed, sputtering blood everywhere. "You better stay on those knees until I'm done with you, bitch!"

A kick to his side nocked him over once more. Growling, I forced him up to his knees again. His face was twisted into a look of severe pain. This brought a sense of peace to me. My foot connected with his crotch again. Watching him fall forward, I smiled. Straddling his back, I grabbed two handfuls of hair. I slammed his face into the ground again and again. 

When I'd had my fill of torturing the sorry excuse of human I stood up. I rolled him to his back and brought my boot down on his neck. With a collapsed throat, he tried to gasp for air. I walked over to Tomura's side. 

"Shiggy, would you take care of the body?" I asked politely.

He smiled softly. "Of course, princess." 

"I'll have Kurogiri send you to the Club House bathroom." Said Dabi as he pulled out his phone. 

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