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Tears rushed down my cheeks as if they were running for their lives. My heartbeat nearly shook my entire body. Air filled my lungs in the form of fast, shallow breaths. I trembled, trying not to wake Tomura.

A nightmare had been the cause of my shaken state. Luckily, I hadn't been loud, or I would have woken Tomura. Something in me wanted fresh air, but I couldn't go out alone. My mind struggled back and forth with what to do. There was a window in the bedroom that connected directly to the front porch. Maybe I could go sit out there.

I got out of bed slowly, ensuring I didn't wake the scrawny man next to me. Quietly, I cracked the window open, just enough for me to yell for help if I had to. Grabbing the throw from my computer chair, I quietly opened the door. As I walked out of the bedroom I noticed a light breeze blowing through the house. It was when I got to the living room that I was able to see the front door was open. On the porch step sat a figure in a white t-shirt, smoking a cigarette.

Dabi's black hair was a mess. He was slumped over, talking to an unseen friend. As I got to the door he looked over his shoulder at me. A small set of white ears and blue eyes peered from around him.

Shi ran in giving a soft meow as she got to me. Shakily, I lowered myself enough to pick her up. I joined Dabi on the porch as tears returned to my eyes. My body shook lightly as I felt the small kitten's soft fur. She was ok, those assholes hadn't hurt her.

"She came by every day while you were gone." Dabi said before taking a hit off of his cigarette. "It was like she was waiting to thank you."

My head rested against Dabi's shoulder as I continued to pet the small girl. "I know somewhere she'd be safe." I whispered.

"You want to bring her in?" He thought he knew the answer.

"No," I smiled, wiping away my tears, "could you grab the box of Jim's old stuff?"

Without so much as a question, Dabi retrieved Jim's box from the living room closet along with the litter and food. We walked over to the apartment building in complete silence. As we went down to the basement Dabi looked at me confused. I gave him my best "trust me" look as we went to holding room 1. In the observation room, I turned on the light so that there was a small amount of light in the holding room. I opened the door as silently as I could.

Holding up my free hand, I motioned for Dabi to stay by the door. There was just enough light for me to see Keigo's sleeping form on his bed. Gently sitting down, I put my hand on his shoulder. He stirred awake, only opening one eye as he looked back at me. A soft smile mixed with tears as I held up Shi.

"Hey, do you think you could take care of this for me?" I whispered and sniffled. "She needs someone who will love her."

Keigo's brow furrowed before he rolled over. "You want me to take care of her?" He asked groggily.

Shuddering, I started to sob. "She means a lot to me. Look at it as me giving you a friend." I sniffled. "She was put in danger because of me, but I know you could give her safety and love."

Shi mewed cutely. "What's her name?" He asked raising his blanket.

As I placed the small ball of fluff against Keigo's chest, I chuckled. "You can call her whatever you'd like."

He carefully wrapped the blanket down around the kitten as she snuggled his chest. "I'll name her Kiko." He stated, letting his wing cover her under the blanket. "Thank you." Tears formed in Keigo's eyes.

With a gentle nod, I stood and motioned for Dabi to place the stuff by the door. As I walked away I felt something in me lighten significantly. Not only would Keigo have a companion, but Shi, now Kiko, would be safe.

"Hey." Keigo called after me quietly. I turned around to see him smiling. "I'm glad you're ok."

"Thank you, Keigo." I replied before Dabi walked me out of the room.

The throw around me felt a little warmer. The air smelled a bit sweeter. Maybe it was the fact that I knew Kiko was safe now, getting properly cared for. Or maybe, just maybe, it was that I knew Keigo would be able to have something to look forward to in the morning. He'd have the ability to love and care for something he'd once had to kill.

When I got home I went straight to mine and Tomura's room. Tomura was still sound asleep, just as I had left him. I tossed my throw to my chair before snuggling back into bed. As I got comfy Tomura turned over to face me. His tired eyes opened for a moment before he cuddled up to me. For a moment his lips held a genuinely happy smile. I pulled that which was most dear to me close. The sensation of his thin body in my arms made me smile. It was something that I got to do every night, but I felt like I'd been taking my getting to hold him for granted. There was never any guarantee that we'd see the next day. In fact, every day together was a blessing that we had to fight for.

No matter the circumstances, I'd always fight for our days together.

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